"Well," said Lestrade, "I've seen you handle a good many cases, Mr. Holmes, but I don't know that I ever knew a more workmanlike one than that. We're not jealous of you at Scotland Yard. No, sir, we are very proud of you, and if you come down to-morrow, there's not a man, from the oldest inspector to the youngest constable, who wouldn't be glad to shake you by the hand."
"Thank you!" said Holmes. "Thank you!" and as he turned away, it seemed to me that he was more nearly moved by the softer human emotions than I had ever seen him. A moment later he was the cold and practical thinker once more. "Put the pearl in the safe, Watson," said he, "and get out the papers of the Conk-Singleton forgery case. Good-bye, Lestrade. If any little problem comes your way, I shall be happy, if I can, to giv... (查看原文)
0 有用 kiiiii君 2011-08-18 22:34:00
0 有用 小风 2008-02-05 22:51:29
0 有用 幻燈燈 2012-01-20 07:00:44
0 有用 Absurdark 2012-01-16 15:48:54
0 有用 嘉沐難再續.K 2008-09-20 14:21:03
小学六年级废寝忘食的读完,我都不知道怎么读完的... ...