The Managed Heart 短评

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  • 0 Lo 2023-11-07 19:43:46 美国

    Emotional labor

  • 0 电胆马 2023-03-08 11:39:21 中国香港

    Appendix A MODELS OF EMOTION From Darwin to Coffman

  • 0 山无中 2023-03-24 05:49:57 英国

    在domestic labour和性别的视角看来,emotional labour一定程度上可以被归结为unpaid representative labour中的一种,因为它不是凭空生成的(工作者同其他工种一样需要为此支付energy,除此之外还要抑制自己原本的情绪),并且it does contribute(为他人提供了情绪价值和满足感),最重要的是它一直都是没有被value的。性别那一章节的讨论很有趣,重新定义女性普世意义上的"more emotional" is to deliberately show emotion to get their way, but not just "uncontrolled feelings". 但无论如何这种污名化还是带着种**的丑陋傲慢

  • 0 makzhou 2020-02-02 15:48:44

    将近四十年的研究,完全不过时。一个源头性问题依然值得思考:对「本真性」情感的需求和操控来自于主流文化中它们的缺失?ARH借用的是价值理论:The more the heart is managed, the more we value the unmanaged heart.(p.189-192)来自于Lionel Trilling的历史解释。真是如此吗?不管怎么说,很高兴ARH的几本书今年都能出版。

  • 1 Nancy Rogan 2019-12-20 13:45:46

    "I'll be your warmth if you'll be my steadiness." "Women are more likely to be presented with the task of mastering anger and aggression in the service of "being nice." To men, the socially assigned task of aggressing against those that break rules of various sorts creates the private task of mastering fear and vulnerability."

  • 0 MamboSiku 2020-11-10 01:05:24

    emotional labor/gender/embodiedness

  • 0 Larvatus 2017-03-12 02:02:47

    But I guess... feelings commoditisation is a bit different from emotions commoditisation. // Emotions are presented in front of people while feelings are inside and require stimulants to initiate so as to generate (particular) feelings.

  • 0 非实存性逐流 2022-03-31 17:07:45


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