
  • 事实上你能想象这些人——多年以来,每一匹为这垂暮的党服役的战马都是除了那个党别的什么也不考虑。每个人都大吃大嚼那些旧文稿和诗篇。每个人都想成为当代的高尔基和马雅可夫斯基。这不令人可怕吗?这不让人觉得可悲吗?人人都成了失败的艺术家。 (查看原文)
    🌚缺.甜🌝 2014-02-28 11:41:27
    —— 引自第16页
  • 我宁可像你那样经历一次失败,而不要成功什么的玩意儿。但我并不是说我有意选择失败。我的意思是说,没有人会选择失败,是不是?我知道什么东西是我不想要的,只是不知道什么东西是我想要的。 (查看原文)
    Anna 2016-01-20 10:22:37
    —— 引自第34页
  • “为什么那房子得造成半独立的样式呢?”杰米十分认真地问。他经常一本正经地担忧社会主义的未来,“在社会主义政府的管辖下,房子都是很漂亮的,都有各自的花园和宽敞的套房。” “我亲爱的杰米!”保罗说,“真可怜,你对经济学真是一点不通。无论社会主义经济还是资本主义经济,不管它属于哪种体制,资金如何匮乏,都将以适应自身发展的速度发展着……由于政府(不管它是社会主义的还是资本主义的)都面临着尽快解决许多无房无居民的住房问题,它会首先考虑建造最廉价的住宅。这时候想追求十全十美是根本不行的。这一带以后肯定会出现一座座冒烟的、直插云天的厂房和一排排千篇一律的廉价住房。” (查看原文)
    Anna 2016-01-20 10:22:37
    —— 引自第34页
  • 我所认识的每个男人都曾公然或在不知不觉中兴致勃勃地谈起女同性恋者。这从一个侧面反映出他们令人难以置信的自负:他们把自己看成了这些堕落女性的救星。 (查看原文)
    Anna 2016-01-20 10:22:37
    —— 引自第34页
  • “唉,又得回去受折磨了。我的太太虽是世界上最好的,跟她谈话却让人一点也兴奋不起来。”……“一个女人照管着三个孩子,守在位于郊区的家中,只有一台电视机为伴,能有什么让人兴奋的东西可谈呢?” 两个女人,在批评男人的基础上成为朋友,即便在肉体上不是同性恋,在心理上也已经是了。 (查看原文)
    Anna 2016-01-20 10:22:37
    —— 引自第34页
  • To show a woman loving a man one should show her cooking a meal for him or opening a bottle of wine for the meal, while she waits for his ring at the door. Or waking in the morning before he does to see his face change from the calm of sleep into a smile of welcome. Yes. To be repeated a thousand times. But that isn't literature. Probably better as a film. Yes, the physical quality of life, that's living, and not the analysts afterwards, or the moments of discord or premonition. (查看原文)
    闻人林 2016-12-29 05:51:19
    —— 引自第228页
  • It seems to me like this. It's not a terrible thing - I mean, it may be terrible, but it's not damaging, it's not poisoning, to do without something one wants. It's not bad to say: My work is not what I really want, I'm capable of doing something bigger. Or I'm a person who needs love, and I'm doing without it. What's terrible is to pretend that the second-rate is first-rate. To pretend that you don't need love when you do; or you like your work when you know quite well you're capable of better. It would be very bad if I said, out of guilt or something: I loved Janet's father, when I know quite well I didn't. Or for your mother to say: I loved Richard. Or I'm doing work I love ... (查看原文)
    闻人林 2017-01-01 07:41:57
    —— 引自第267页
  • [F]or women like me, integrity isn't chastity, it isn't fidelity, it isn't any of the old words. Integrity is the orgasm. That is something I haven't any control over. I could never have an orgasm with this man, I can give pleasure and that's all. But why not? Am I saying that I can never come except with a man I love? Because what sort of a desert am I condemning myself to if that's true? (查看原文)
    闻人林 2017-01-01 08:18:14
    —— 引自第325页
  • The tension is in me, so that peace has already gone away from me, is because the current has been switched on: I must-dress-Janet-get-her-breakfast-send-her-off-to-school-get-Michael's-breakfast-don't-forget-I'm-out-of-tea-etc.-etc. With this useless but apparently unavoidable tension resentment is also switched on. Resentment against what? An unfairness. That I should have to spend so much of my time worrying over details. The resentment focuses itself on Michael; although I know with my intelligence it has nothing to do with Micheal. And yet I do rensent him, because he will spend his day, served by secretaries, nurses, women in all kinds of capacities, who will take this weight off him. (查看原文)
    闻人林 2017-01-01 08:26:02
    —— 引自第333页
  • I must now be careful not to start hating the Party in the way we do hate stages of our life we have outgrown. (查看原文)
    闻人林 2017-01-01 08:35:29
    —— 引自第368页
  • *11 A SHORT NOVEL Two people together, in any kind of relationship - mother, son; father, daughter; lovers; it doesn't matter. One of them acutely neurotic. The neurotic hands on his or her state to the other, who takes it over, leaving the sick one well, the well one sick. I remember Mother Sugar telling me a story about a patient. A young man had come to see her convinced he was in desperate psychological trouble. She could find nothing wrong with him. She asked him to send along his father to her. One by one all the family, five of them, arrived in her consulting room. She found them all normal. Then the mother came. She, apparently 'normal', was in fact extremely neurotic, but maintaining her balance by passing it to her family, particularly to the youngest son. Eventually Mother Suga... (查看原文)
    闻人林 2017-01-22 02:32:31
    —— 引自第536页
  • But it isn't only the terror everywhere, and the fear of being conscious of it, that freezes people. It's more than that. People know they are in a society dead or dying. They are refusing emotion because at the end of every emotion are peoperty, money, power. They work and depise their work, and so freeze themselves. They love but know that it's a half-love or a twisted love, and so they freeze themselves. It is possible that in order to keep love, feeling, tenderness alive, it will be necessary to feel these emotions ambiguously, even for what is false and debased, or for what is still an idea, a shadow in the willed imagination only... or if what we feel is pain, then we must feel it, acknowledging that the alternative is death. Better anything than the shrewd, the calculated, the non... (查看原文)
    闻人林 2017-01-22 02:56:26
    —— 引自第545页
  • 我做了个希奇古怪的梦。我梦见一张由漂亮的织物组成的大网。它美得令人难以置信,其周边缀 满了刺绣图案。 这些图案阐释了人类的神话——它们不仅仅是一些图画,而是人类神话本身,因此,整张柔软而闪着金光的大网充满了活力。那上面五颜六色,绚丽多彩,但这个巨大的织物给人 总体印象是它的红色,一种色彩斑驳、金光闪耀的红色。我在梦中触摸着这种织物, 高兴得哭了 起来。我再看了一眼它,发现已经变成一张苏联地图。它开始扩大:像银光闪闪的大海逐渐向外渗透,侵蚀了苏联周围的一些国家,如波兰、匈牙利等等。但它的边缘部分颜色又浅又淡。我依然 高兴得泪流满面,但同时又心怀忧虑。那色彩柔和、金光闪耀的红色开始向中国延伸,并在中国上空凝聚成一团深红。这时,我就独自站在空中的某个地方,偶尔向下踩动双脚。地球在旋转,我的 双脚踏在蓝色的雾霭中,而身上穿的却是代表共产主义国家的红色,并缀以代表世界其他国家的杂色。 非洲是黑的,但那是一种光泽四溢、 令人激动的深黑色, 就像月亮靠近了地平线,即将升起 时的夜空一样。 我这时感到非常恐惧,心情很坏,好像正受到某种我不愿承认的情感的侵扰。我感到一阵恶心,昏昏沉沉的,不敢再朝下张望那正在转动的地球。后来我还是看了,地球这时好像 变成了一个幻影—— 时间的概念不复存在了,我所看到的似乎就是人类的全部历史,人类那冗长的故事。 它好像就是一曲表达胜利和喜悦之情的欢乐颂,痛苦只是其中一个小小的对位音。我发现那一片红色的区域正受到世界其他地区更其亮丽的色彩的侵蚀。各种颜色正在融合,相互渗透。 它变得实在太美了,简直难以用语言来形容。整个世界已经连成一片,统一在一种我从未见过的金光闪耀的色彩中。 这一刻我感到幸福极了。 这幸福似乎还在膨胀,直到一切突然间崩裂,爆炸开来—— 我站在那里, 一下子沉寂了,说不出一句话。我的脚下也是一片沉寂。那缓缓转动着的地球开始慢慢地解体,分裂,变成碎片... (查看原文)
    candyme 2018-09-14 16:29:48
    —— 引自第321页
  • 你们在这里学到的只是现行的偏见与我们这特殊文化所推崇的价值取向的混合体。稍微了解一点历史就能知道,这些东西肯定不能持久。你们所受的教育由那些墨守陈规的人所施行,他们只懂得如何去适应前辈留下的那套思想体系。这是一种为自身的不灭而设计的体系。……正在被模式化,规范化,以适应我们这个特殊社会既狭隘又特殊的需要。 (查看原文)
    天徒想 2019-12-29 01:38:58
    —— 引自章节:序言
  • 阅读的有效方法只有一种,那就是在图书馆和书店里浏览,选择你喜欢的书,只读你喜欢的书,厌倦时就丢开,拖宕的章节就跳过去。千万千万别因你觉得必要才去读,或者将阅读当作一种时尚或潮流。记住:你二十岁或三十岁时感到厌倦的某本书,到了四十岁或五十岁时,会向你敞开知识的大门,反之亦然。不合适你阅读的时候就别读。 (查看原文)
    天徒想 2019-12-29 01:38:58
    —— 引自章节:序言
  • 历史,甚至包括社会伦理,都是凭口述的故事传承的。那些只凭写下来的文字进行思考的人(不幸的是,我们的教育体系只能在培养这种人时有所作为),其实已经丢失了他们眼睛所见的一切。不管什么地方,只要你留意,就能发现:真理以口相传,不是以笔承载。因此,千万别让书本成了你的主人。 (查看原文)
    天徒想 2019-12-29 01:38:58
    —— 引自章节:序言
  • 这四本笔记成了灵丹妙药,通过它们,她可以把一个完整的人格分解成四部分,从而消弱死亡的意志,瓦解其强大的破坏力。黑红黄蓝四种颜色于是成了一个不安宁的灵魂的四道反光:黑色代表她的作家生活,红色代表政治生活,黄色代表爱情生活,蓝色代表精神生活。 (查看原文)
    天徒想 2019-12-29 01:40:17
    —— 引自章节:序言
  • #文学与酒#布斯比先生正在给杰米和保罗拿兑了奎宁水的杜松子酒,并跟他们谈论着英格兰,并没有注意到自己的女儿。 (查看原文)
    天徒想 2019-12-29 01:45:55
    —— 引自章节:黑色笔记
  • 尽管我们已经意识到这种自我毁灭的过程从它诞生的一刻起就已开始,我们还是无法确定自己的言行究竟在什么时候开始变味。我们依然努力工作,但一种强烈的犬儒主义思想已日渐冒头。一走出严肃的会议室,我们所开的玩笑便与我们所说的,所信仰的那一套不相吻合。从人生的那一刻开始,我才真正懂得了如何看待人们的玩笑。一句略带恶意的言辞,一个稍嫌愤激的声音,十年以后都有可能演变成一个致命的毒瘤。 (查看原文)
    天徒想 2019-12-29 01:48:19
    —— 引自章节:黑色笔记
  • 他是个辩论大师,能十分精辟、十分理智地剖析社会问题,换句话也就是说,能愚不可及地信奉教条主义。(未能理解的一句话) (查看原文)
    天徒想 2019-12-29 01:48:19
    —— 引自章节:黑色笔记