
  • "I'll tell you a story. Once, long ago, there was a tradesman in a small village in our part of the world who sat on his knees in his small shop, and with his left hand he pulled a strand of wool from the bale which was above his head. He twirled the wool into a thicker strand and passed it to his right hand, and with his right hand he wound the wool around a large spindle. He worked in a continuous motion, and each time his right hand spindle the wool, he said inaudibly 'La illaha illa'llah'. [There is no god but God.] There could be no abrupt movement or the wool would break and he would have to tie a knot and begin again. The old man had to be present to every moment. We call this awareness. This is life. Sufi means awareness in life. As his sons grew, he taught them his craft." "So, ... (查看原文)
    [已注销] 2013-07-04 23:05:11
    —— 引自第45页