1 Chain Complexes
1.1 Complexes of R-Modules
1.2 Operations on Chain Complexes
1.3 Long Exact Sequences
1.4 Chain Homotopies
1.5 Mapping Cones and Cylinders
1.6 More on Abelian Categories
2 Derived Functors
2.1 -Functors
2.2 Projective Resolutions
2.3 Injective Resolutions
2.4 Left Derived Functors
2.5 Right Derived Functors
2.6 Adjoint Functors and Left/Right Exactness
2.7 Balancing Tor and Ext
3 Tot and Ext
3.1 Tot for Abelian Groups
3.2 Tor and Flatness
3.3 Ext for Nice Rings
3.4 Ext and Extensions
3.5 Derived Functors of the Inverse Limit
3.6 Universal Coefficient Theorems
4 Homological Dimension
4.1 Dimensions
4.2 Rings of Small Dimension
4.3 Change of Rings Theorems
4.4 Local Rings
4.5 Koszui Complexes
4.6 Local Cohomology
5 Spectral Sequences
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Terminology
5.3 The Leray-Serre Spectral Sequence
5.4 Spectral Sequence of a Filtration
5.5 Convergence
5.6 Spectral Sequences of a Double Complex
5.7 Hyperhomology
5.8 Grothendieck Spectral Sequences
5.9 Exact Couples
6 Group Homology and Cohomology
6.1 Definitions and First Properties
6.2 Cyclic and Free Groups
6.3 Shapiro's Lemma
6.4 Crossed Homomorphisms and Hi
6.5 The Bar Resolution
6.6 Factor Sets and H2
6.7 Restriction, Corestriction, Inflation, and Transfer
6.8 The Spectral Sequence
6.9 Universal Central Extensions
6.10 Covering Spaces in Topology
6.11 Galois Cohomology and Profinite Groups
7 Lie Algebra Homology and Cohomology
7.1 Lie Algebras
7.2 ft-Modules
7.3 Universal Enveloping Algebras
7.4 Hl and Hi
7.5 The Hochschild-Serre Spectral Sequence
7.6 H2 and Extensions
7.7 The Chevalley-Eilenberg Complex
7.8 Semisimple Lie Algebras
7.9 Universal Central Extensions
8 Simplicial Methods in Homological Algebra
8.1 Simplicial Objects
8.2 Operations on Simplicial Objects
8.3 Simplicial Homotopy Groups
8.4 The Dold-Kan Correspondence
8.5 The Eilenberg-Zilber Theorem
8.6 Canonical Resolutions
8.7 Cotriple Homology
8.8 Andre-Quillen Homology and Cohomology
9 Hochschild and Cyclic Homology
9.1 Hochschild Homology and Cohomology of Algebras
9.2 Derivations, Differentials, and Separable Algebras
9.3 H2, Extensions, and Smooth Algebras
9.4 Hochschild Products
9.5 Morita Invariance
9.6 Cyclic Homology
9.7 Group Rings
9.8 Mixed Complexes
9.9 Graded Algebras
9.10 Lie Algebras of Matrices
10 The Derived Category
10.1 The Category K(A)
10.2 Triangulated Categories
10.3 Localization and the Calculus of Fractions
10.4 The Derived Category
10.5 Derived Functors
10.6 The Total Tensor Product
10.7 Ext and RHom
10.8 Replacing Spectral Sequences
10.9 The Topological Derived Category
A Category Theory Language
A.1 Categories
A.2 Functors
A.3 Natural Transformations
A.4 Abelian Categories
A.5 Limits and Colimits
A.6 Adjoint Functors
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2 有用 IvanChenkov 2021-07-30 10:45:35
1 有用 数学渣 2016-01-30 17:11:56
1 有用 online 2021-05-11 07:44:44
0 有用 MAD 2018-05-09 01:19:35
0 有用 古道西风 2023-12-24 05:05:47 江苏
补过第三四五章的细节 真的很好 就是肝疼