Christian ◆◆◇ (Christians) ⒈ N-COUNT A Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. 基督教徒 □He was a devout Christian. 他曾是一个虔诚的基督教徒。 ⒉ ADJ Christian means relating to Christianity or Christians. 基督教的;基督教徒的 □…the Christian Church. …基督教会。 □Most of my friends are Christian. 我大多数朋友都信奉基督教。
→see religion
Christianity N-UNCOUNT Christianity is a religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the belief that he was the son of God. 基督教 □He converted to Christianity that day. 那天他改信了基督教。 (查看原文)
▲ Protestant (Protestant) ⒈ N-COUNT A Protestant is a Christian who belongs to the branch of the Christian church that separated from the Catholic church in the sixteenth century. 新教徒 ⒉ ADJ Protestant means relating to Protestants or their churches. 新教的;新教徒的 □Most Protestant churches now have some women ministers. 如今,大部分新教教堂都有一些女牧师。 (查看原文)
▲capitalism N-UNCOUNT Capitalism is an economic and political system in which property,business,and industry are owned by private individuals and not by the state. 资本主义 □…the two fundmentally opposed social systems,capitalism and socialism. …两种根本对立的社会制度,资本主义与社会主义。
capitalist (capitalists) ⒈ ADJ A capitalist country or system supportss or is based on the principles of capitalism. 基于资本主义原则的 □China has pledged to retain Hong Kong's capitalist system for 50 years. 中国政府已保证维持香港的资本主义制度50年。
⒉N-COUNT A capitalist is someone who believes in and supports the principles of capitalism. 资本主义者;资本主义拥护者 □Lenin had hoped to even have a working relationship with the capitalists. 列宁甚至曾希望与资本主义者建立合作关系。 ⒊N-COUNT A capitalist is someone who owns a business which they run in order to make a profit for themselves... (查看原文)
democracy ◆◆◇(democracies) ⒈ N-UNCOUNT Democracy is a system of government in which people choose their rulers by voting for them in elections. 民主政体 □The spread of democracy in Eastern Europe appears to have had negative as well as positive consequences. 东欧民主政体的蔓延看来既有消极也有积极的影响。 ⒉ N-COUNT A democracy is a country in which the people choose their government by voting for it. 民主国家 □The new democracies face tough challenges. 新生的民主国家面临严峻的挑战。
→ see vote (查看原文)
★ boycott (boycotts,boycotting,boycotted) V-T If a country,group,or person boycotts a country,organization,or activity,they refuse to be involved with it in any way because they disapprove of it. 联合抵制 □The main opposition parties are boycotting the elections. 主要的反对党派正在联合抵制选举。 ● N-COUNT Boycott is also a noun. 联合抵制 □Opposition leaders had called for a boycott of the vote. 反对派领导者号召联合抵制投票。 (查看原文)
▲ Muslim ◆◆◇ (Muslims) ⒈ N-COUNT A Muslim is someone who believes in Islam and lives according to its rules. 穆斯林(即伊斯兰教信徒) ⒉ ADJ Muslim means relating to Islam or Muslims. 穆斯林的;伊斯兰教的 □…Iran and other Muslim countries. …伊朗和其他穆斯林国家。 (查看原文)
disobedience N-UNCOUNT Disobedience is deliberately not doing what someone tells you to do,or what a rule or law says that you should do. 不服从,不顺从
□A single act of rebellion or disobedience was often enough to seal a woman's fate. 仅一次反抗或不服从的行为在以前就往往足以决定一个女人的命运。
disobey (disobeys,disobeying,disobeyed) V-T/V-I When someone disobeys a person or an order,they deliberately do not do what they have been told to do. 不服从;不顺从
□…a naughty boy who often disobeyed his mother and father. …一个经常不顺从母亲和父亲的淘气男孩。 (查看原文)
The spelling Orthodox is also used for meanings ⒉ and ⒊
★ orthodox
⒈ ADJ Orthodox beliefs,methods,or systems are ones which are accepted or used by most people. 正统的(观念、方法、制度等)
□ Many of these ideas are now being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment. 这些理念有许多正被吸收进正统的医疗中。
⒉ ADJ If you describe someone as orthodox,you mean that they hold the older and more traditional ideas of their religion or party. 正统的(人)
□…Orthodox Jews. …正统的犹太教徒
⒊ ADJ The Orthodox churches are Christian churches from Eastern Europe which separated from the western church in the eleventh century. 东正教的
□ …the Greek Orthodox Church …希腊东正教会
orthodoxy (orthodoxies)
⒈ N-VAR An orthodoxy is an accepted view about something. 正统观念
□ These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics. 这些观点很快就成了语言学中新的正统观念。
⒉ N-UN... (查看原文)
▲communism also Communism N-UNCOUNT Communism is the political belief that all people are equal,that there should be no private ownership and that workers should control the means of producing things. 共产主义 □…the ultimate triumph of communism in the world. …共产主义在全世界的最终胜利。
communist◆◆◇ (communists) also Communist ⒈N-COUNT A communist is someone who believes in communism. 共产主义者 ⒉ADJ Communist means relating to communism. 共产主义的 □…the Communism Party. …共产党。
totalitarian ADJ A totalitarian political system is one in which there is only one political party which contrals everything and does not allow any opposition parties. 极权主义的 [DISAPPROVAL] □…a brutal totalitarian regime. …一个残忍的极权主义政权。 (查看原文)
★ dictator (dictators) N-COUNT A dictator is a ruler who has complete power in a country,especially power which was obtained by force and is used unfairly or cruelly. 独裁者 □…foreign dictators who contravene humanitarian conventions. …违反人道主义公约的外国独裁者们。
dictatorial ADJ If you describe someone's behavior as dictatorial,you do not like the fact that they tell people what to do in a forceful and unfair way. 独裁的 [DISAPPROVAL] □…his dictatorial management style. …他专横的管理作风。
dictatorship (dictatorships) ⒈N-VAR Dictatorship is government by a dictator. 专政 □…a new era of democracy after a long period of military dictatorship in the country. …该国长期军事独裁统治结束后到来的民主新纪元。 ⒉N-COUNT A dictatorship is a country which is ruled by a dictator or by a very strict and harsh government. 独裁国家 □Every country in the re... (查看原文)
▲dissident (dissidents) ⒈ N-COUNT Dissidents are people who disagree with and criticize their government,especially because it is undemocratic. 异议分子 □…political dissidents. …政治异议分子。 ⒉ ADJ Dissident people disagree with or criticize their government or a powerful organization they belong to. 持不同政见的 [ADJ n] □…a dissident Russian novelist. …一位与政府意见相左的俄罗斯小说家。 (查看原文)
John Sinclair was Professor of Modern English Language at the University of Birmingham for most of his career;he was an outstanding scholar,one of the very first modern corpus linguists,and one of the most open-minded and original thinkers in the field.The COBUILD project in lexical computing,funded by Collins,revolutionized lexicography in the 1980s,and resulted in the creation of the largest corpus of English language texts in the world.
Professor Sinclair personally oversaw the creation of this very first electronic corpus,and was instrumental in developing the tools needed to analyze the data.Having corpus data allowed Professor Sinclair and his team to find out how people really use the English language,and to develop new ways of structuring dictionary entries.Frequency information,f... (查看原文)
★ propaganda N-UNCOUNT Propaganda is information,often inaccurate information,that a political organization publishes or broadcasts in order to influence people. (政治组织的)宣传 [DISAPPROVAL] □The party adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals. 该党采用了一场对抗其对手的咄咄逼人的宣传运动。 (查看原文)
Marxism N-UNCOUNT Marxism is a political philosophy based on the writings of Karl Marx which stress the importance of the struggle between different social classes. 马克思主义
Marxist (Marxists) ⒈ ADJ Marxist means based on Marxism or relating to Marxism. 马克思主义的 □…a Marxist state. …一个信奉马克思主义的国家。 ⒉ N-COUNT A Marxist is a person who believes in Marxism or who is a member of a Marxist party. 马克思主义者;马克思主义政党成员 □…a 78-year-old former Marxist. …一位78岁的前马克思主义者。 (查看原文)
socialism N-UNCOUNT Socialism is a set of political principles whose general aim is to create a system in which everyone has an equal opportunity to benefit from a country's wealth.Under socialism,the country's main industries are usually owned by the state. 社会主义
socialist ◆◇◇ (socialists) ⒈ ADJ Socialist means based on socialism or relating to socialism. 社会主义的 □…members of the ruling Socialist Party. …执政的社会主义党成员。 ⒉ N-COUNT A socialist is a person who believes in socialism or who is a member of a socialist party. 社会主义者;社会主义党成员 □Esperanto has always been popular among socialists. 世界语在社会主义者中一直很受欢迎。 (查看原文)
republic ◆◆◇ (republics) N-COUNT A republic is a country where power is held by the people or the representatives that they elect.Republics have presidents who are elected,rather than kings or queens. 共和国 □In 1918,Austria became a republic. 1918年奥地利成为共和国。 □ …the Baltic republics. …波罗的海各共和国。 (查看原文)
▲ tyranny (tyrannies) ⒈ N-VAR A tyranny is a cruel,harsh,and unfair government in which a person or small group of people have power over everyone. 专制暴政 □Self-expression and individuality are the greatest weapons against tyranny. 自我表达和个性是对抗专制暴政的最强武器。 ⒉ N-UNCOUNT If you describe someone's behavior and treatment of others that they have authority over as tyranny,you mean that they are severe with them or unfair to them. 专横暴虐 □I'm the sole victim of Mother's tyranny. 我是母亲专横暴虐的惟一受害者。
tyrant (tyrants) You can use tyrant to refer to someone who treats the people they have authority over in a cruel and unfair way. 暴君 □ …households where the father was a tyrant. …有暴君之父的家庭 (查看原文)
protest ◆◆◇ (protests,protesting,protested)
⒈ V-T/V-I If you protest something or protest against something,you say or show publicly that you object to it. 抗议 □They were protesting soaring prices. 他们在抗议不断飞涨的物价。 ⒉ N-VAR A protest is the act of saying or showing publicly that you object to something. 抗议 □The opposition now seems too weak to stage any serious protests against the government. 反对党现在似乎太弱小,无力针对政府组织什么重大的抗议。 □The Mexican president canceled a trip to Texas in protest at the state's execution of a Mexican national. 墨西哥总统取消了得克萨斯之行,以抗议该州对一名墨西哥侨民的处决。 ⒊ V-T If you protest that something is the case,you insist that it is the case,when other people think that it may not be. 断言 □When we tried to protest that Mo was beaten up they didn't believe us. 当我们坚持说莫遭到了毒打时,他们都不相信。 □"I never said any o... (查看原文)
religion ◆◇◇ (religions) ⒈ N-UNCOUNT Religion is belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief,such as praying or worshiping in a building such as a church or temple. □宗教 …his understanding of Indian philosophy and religion. …他对于印度哲学和宗教的理解。 ⒉ N-COUNT A religion is a particular system of belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this system. (一种)宗教 □…the Christian religion. …基督教。
religious ◆◆◇ ⒈ ADJ You use religious to describe things that are connected with religion or with one particular religion. 宗教的 [ADJ n] □Religious groups are now able to meet quite openly. 宗教团体现在可以公开集会了。 ⒉ ADJ Someone who is religious has a strong belief in a god or gods. 虔诚的;笃信宗教的 □They are both very religious and felt it was a gift from God. 他们俩都很虔诚,觉得这是上帝... (查看原文)