Never Let Me Go的笔记(14)

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  • 莉莉莉莉_ (to the limit)

    今天听到第八章…… 我忽然觉得这一段关于sex的内容真的很有意思……its so so soooooooo cute! Looking back now, I can see we were pretty confused about this whole area around sex. That’s hardly surprising, I suppose, given we were barely sixteen. But what added to the confusion—I can see it more clearly now—was the fact that the guardians were themselves confused. On the one hand we had, say, M...   (2回应)

    2012-06-21 18:17:18   5人喜欢

  • irene

    it might be just some trend that came and went, but for us, it’s our life.

    2022-02-11 17:05:33

  • irene

    she’d reached out a hand and put it on my shoulder, but I shook her off roughly and glared at her through the tears.

    2022-02-09 16:36:45

  • 银河飞行器 (严肃 敏感 浪漫)

    And it started to dawn on me, I suppose, that a lot of things I’d always assumed I’d plenty of time to get round to doing, I might now have to act on pretty soon or else let them go forever.

    2021-10-30 19:57:05

  • readreadread

    "Yes, we are doing it now and i am glad we are doing it now. But what a pity we left it so late."

    2021-01-13 18:07:29

  • Zoe喜欢吃菠萝

    Your lives are set out for you. You'll become adults, then before you're old, before you' re even middle-aged, you'll start to donate your vital organs. That's what each of you was created to do.

    2020-05-02 00:14:10

  • MrBootstrap (这是最好的时代)

    There was no way to reverse the process. How can you ask a world that has come to regard cancer as curable, how can you ask such a world to put away that cure, to go back to the dark days? There was no going back. However uncomfortable people were about your existence, their overwhelming concern was that their own children, their spouses, their parents, their friends, did not die from cancer, m...

    2020-02-19 12:17:44

  • MrBootstrap (这是最好的时代)

    Then suddenly, with the skeleton in an obscene heap on the desktop, she turned away and began telling us how we had to be careful who we had sex with. Not just because of the diseases, but because, she said, "sex affects emotions in ways you'd never expect." We had to be extremely careful about having sex in the outside world, especially with people who weren't students, because out there sex m...

    2020-02-19 12:17:41

  • 野长长夏

    露西小姐在夏天与汤米的谈话就像人类的隐喻。社会说一个人要自由发展,但社会无时无刻不在束缚规范个人,如果个人不遵守,就无法在社会生存。 简直人生大悖论。 天意让我把弗洛姆的逃避自由作为理论。 或者只是我想当然。如果用创伤主义、女性主义、殖民主义也许都能对应。

    2019-11-28 21:34:49

  • 🉑达鸭 (这是最好的年代)

    There was no way to reverse the process. How can you ask a world that has come to regard cancer as curable, how can you ask such a world to put away that cure, to go back to the dark days? There was no going back. However uncomfortable people were about your existence, their overwhelming concern was that their own children, their spouses, their parents, their friends, did not die from cancer, m...

    2018-06-02 11:58:16

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Never Let Me Go

>Never Let Me Go