In life you'll meet a lot of jerks. If they hurt you, tell yourself that it's because they're stupid. That will help keep you from reacting to their cruelty. Because there is nothing worse than bitterness and vengeance... Always keep your dignity and be true to yourself.---by the grandma
getting to know Iran :) the black-and-white illustration style seems simple but is very effective in story-telling, though sometimes it's hard to tell one character from another -.-
3 有用 弓韦 2016-02-01 05:21:21
3 有用 Vulpecula 2010-12-16 10:58:41
难道我的attention span 短到只能看漫画了么?
1 有用 Multivac 2008-01-15 16:19:50
0 有用 IronMick-tt8 2007-12-17 12:47:48
0 有用 屡败屡战煽情酱 2012-01-30 11:12:26
I smelled my grandma's bosom. It smelled good. I'll never forget that smell.
0 有用 emma 2013-09-08 16:20:22
0 有用 sarah🇺🇦 2013-06-05 10:40:23
One can forgive but one should never forget.
0 有用 ellajma 2006-04-10 12:15:32
not a good cartoonist, but a good story teller
0 有用 铂澜 2010-11-27 01:29:52
0 有用 信然 2017-11-03 07:01:05
0 有用 忘憂 2013-12-16 14:39:30
In life you'll meet a lot of jerks. If they hurt you, tell yourself that it's because they're stupid. That will help keep you from reacting to their cruelty. Because there is nothing worse than bitterness and vengeance... Always keep your dignity and be true to yourself.---by the grandma
0 有用 olivia 2012-01-13 15:51:23
0 有用 德吉 2013-12-18 10:58:55
Hey, Iran....and Kathleen
0 有用 Eibba Unz 2013-12-10 12:13:18
getting to know Iran :) the black-and-white illustration style seems simple but is very effective in story-telling, though sometimes it's hard to tell one character from another -.-
0 有用 ly莉 2008-02-26 11:53:12
1 有用 姜粒儿 2014-06-03 01:12:14
❶只要有无知和傲慢的地方,大多就会有悲剧。cultural revolution不是中国特有,Gulag/DPRK/Iran,随处可见黑暗的影子。❷我们要做的,不是站在道德制高点去批判,而是时刻反省自己/不断读书思考学习,学会分辨。❸想起美国权利法案说“人人都有生命权,自由权,和追求幸福的权利。
0 有用 Miss. greedy 2012-02-15 22:52:29
太太太好看了! 画风带感 顺带给我普及下中东知识 我要把Marjane Satrapi的绘本都看个遍!!!
0 有用 YannieY 2019-07-20 18:01:12
1 有用 歹眠 2022-10-06 10:52:09 广东
莎塔碧挖掘了许多政治、女性、阶级、人性、种族、家庭的敏感带,其中有些话题放在当下的CN都将被封杀。她的纯黑白无渐变画风,和硬朗稳实的色块与线条,像极了中世纪Bayeux Tapestry。当蒙着黑袍的金字塔状的女人们向着臆想成神的统治者进军反抗时,她们坚实的黑色身影遮盖了街道的赤裸,虽然她们渴望的是人之本质,是掀开黑袍,展露街道本来的土色,是想要听摇滚、抹口红的愤怒。她们喧求种族、阶级和性别平等,有的只是想要单纯的和平,无论赋予和谐的统治者是怎样的立场。莎塔碧是最勇敢、最有责任感的艺术家。
0 有用 🐒🐒🐒 2023-06-07 23:09:03 上海
完全是出于工作目的接触,确实是很适合高中生的graphic book,但也很微妙,the privileged read what the privileged wrote