《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》的原文摘录

  • 'The thing to remember,' Grandma Georgina said, 'is that whatever happens, you'll still have the bar of chocolate.' “But there was one other thing that the grown-ups also knew, and it was this: that however small the chance might be of striking lucky, the chance is there. The chance had to be there. (查看原文)
    Azeril 3赞 2013-09-13 23:36:13
    —— 引自章节:The Chocolate World
  • There is something about very cold weather that gives one an enormous appetite. Most of us find ourselves beginning to crave rich steaming stews and hot apple pies and all kinds of delicious warming dishes; and because we are all a great deal luckier than we realize, we usually get what we want—or near enough. (查看原文)
    Azeril 3赞 2013-09-13 23:36:13
    —— 引自章节:The Chocolate World
  • “I am the maker of music, the dreamer of dreams!” (查看原文)
    Azeril 3赞 2013-09-13 23:36:13
    —— 引自章节:The Chocolate World
  • “You should never, never doubt something that no one is sure of.” Mr. Wonka: "Don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he wanted." Charlie Bucket: "What happened?" Mr. Wonka: "He lived happily ever after.” (查看原文)
    Azeril 3赞 2013-09-13 23:36:13
    —— 引自章节:The Chocolate World
  • 在某个城市,一个有名的歹徒抢劫了一家银行,抢走了一千磅钱,当天下午就用它全部买了旺卡的巧克力 (查看原文)
    井底龙王 2012-04-26 16:34:58
    —— 引自第1页
  • “It is, my dear, it is. And to all the kings and presidents of the world as well. But it isn’t only chocolate bars that he makes. Oh, dear me, no! He has some really fantastic inventions up his sleeve, Mr Willy Wonka has! Did you know that he’s invented a way of making chocolate ice cream so that it stays cold for hours and hours without being in the refrigerator? You can even leave it lying in the sun all morning on a hot day and it won’t go runny!” --------------- “And then again,’ Grandpa Joe went on speaking very slowly now so that Charlie wouldn’t miss a word, ‘Mr Willy Wonka can make marshmallows that taste of violets, and rich caramels that change colour every ten seconds as you suck them, and little feathery sweets that melt away deliriously the moment you put them between your l... (查看原文)
    桔子Ellie 2015-04-05 12:11:06
    —— 引自第105页
  • “‘其实我爱嚼口香糖,’她大叫着说,‘但是一听说旺卡先生的这些奖券,我就不嚼口香糖,开始改吃巧克力糖了,希望能幸运地得到奖券。现在,我当然回过头来吃我的口香糖。我就是热爱口香糖。我不能没有它。我整天嚼口香糖,除了吃饭时的几分钟我会把它从嘴里拿出来,为了安全地放好,我把它贴在我的耳朵后面。老实告诉你们吧,如果一天里有一分钟不嚼口香糖,我简直就浑身不舒服,实在不舒服。我妈妈说,看见一个姑娘像我这样整天上下不停地动着上下颌,着实不像一位小姐,太难看了,但是我不同意这话。她算什么,竟然批评起我来了。如果你们问我,我可以告诉你们,她的上下颌几乎就像我的一样,整天上下不停地动,她每分钟都在对我大叫大嚷。’ (查看原文)
    Coneyちた가지 2022-03-15 16:21:16
    —— 引自章节:8 又有两张金奖券找到了