“That girl I told you about, the pinch-faced one?Amanda?Well,her brother drowned last year. He was only five years old,the same age asSweetie Pie Thomas."
Gloria stopped smiling.She nodded her head.“I remember hearing about that,”she said.“Iremember hearing about a little drowned boy."
“That's why Amanda is so pinch--faced,.”I said.“She misses her brother.”
“Most likely,,”Gloria agreed.
"Do you think everybody misses somebody?Like I miss my mama?”
“Mmmm-hmmm,”said Gloria.She closed hereyes."I believe,sometimes,that the whole world has an aching heart."
I couldn't stand to think about sad things thatcouldn't be helped any more,so I said,"Do you want to hear some more Gone with the Wind?" (查看原文)
I swept the floor real slow that day. I wanted to keep Otis company.I didn't want him to be lonely.Sometimes it seemed like everybody in the worldwas lonely.I thought about my mama.Thinkingabout her was the same as the hole you keep onfeeling with your tongue after you lose a tooth.Time after time my mind kept going to that emptyspot,the spot where I felt like she should be. (查看原文)