This brilliant exposition of the critique of identity is a classic in contemporary philosophy and one of Deleuze's most important works. Of fundamental importance to literary critics and philosophers,Difference and Repetition develops two central concepts--pure difference and complex repetition--a;and shows how the two concepts are related. While difference implies divergence a...
This brilliant exposition of the critique of identity is a classic in contemporary philosophy and one of Deleuze's most important works. Of fundamental importance to literary critics and philosophers,Difference and Repetition develops two central concepts--pure difference and complex repetition--a;and shows how the two concepts are related. While difference implies divergence and decentering, repetition is associated with displacement and disguising. Central in initiating the shift in French thought away from Hegel and Marx toward Nietzsche and Freud, Difference and Repetition moves deftly to establish a fundamental critique of Western metaphysics.
Gilles Deleuze, one of France's leading philosophers, was Profesor of Philosophy at the University de Paris VIII until his retirement in 1987. His other works include What is Philosophy? andThe Logic of Sense, both published by Columbia University Press.
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Translator's Preface
Preface to the English Edition
Introduction: Repetition and Difference
1. Difference in Itself
2. Repetition for Itself
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Translator's Preface
Preface to the English Edition
Introduction: Repetition and Difference
1. Difference in Itself
2. Repetition for Itself
3. The Image of Thought
4. Ideas and the Synthesis of Difference
5. Asymmetrical Synthesis of the Sensible
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无论同一性是以什么方式被构想的,它的优先地位都界定了表象的世界(monde de la représentacion)。而现代思想却诞生自表象的破产,同一性的破灭,以及所有在同一之物的表象下发挥作用的力(force)。现代世界是拟向(simulacres)的世界。在拟象的世界中,人不会在上帝死后幸存,主体的同一性不会在实体的同一性死后幸存。 (查看原文)
不会法语。阅读中译时,对照Paul Patton译本、James Williams、Somers-Hall、Joe Hughes的Guide,有些出入很大的地方。又见评论里有安靖与(或?)张子岳老师的指正与回应,想必这篇或许也会有用。 p.95 “差异有自己的判决性实验”/(There is a crucial experience of differ...
0 有用 Heidegger 2019-08-31 19:46:39
15 有用 momo 2019-06-27 18:17:49
13 有用 Eco 2018-05-21 22:13:22
"强度"是理解差异的第一语词。使差异成为可能的最终条件,是力量与生成。 “力量-时间-生成”的三位一体,它们是差异的三位一体!读的是安靖译本,翻译质量非常高!加了很多其他语言译本的的脚注。英译本只读了introduction。
0 有用 刘北托 2020-01-24 00:28:55
1 有用 野次馬 2021-01-01 11:11:03
不确定看懂了多少,所以迟迟没有标记。读的时候一直在想Of Grammatology,如何捕捉那个原点之前的原点,the ontological difference,就像一场无声的、永不止息的内爆。 德勒兹永远能找到最意料之外、又无比贴切的那个词,需要贴着字面来读的比喻,偶尔又像个冷笑话:dice throw, sky chance, swimming, clothed-bare repetiti... 不确定看懂了多少,所以迟迟没有标记。读的时候一直在想Of Grammatology,如何捕捉那个原点之前的原点,the ontological difference,就像一场无声的、永不止息的内爆。 德勒兹永远能找到最意料之外、又无比贴切的那个词,需要贴着字面来读的比喻,偶尔又像个冷笑话:dice throw, sky chance, swimming, clothed-bare repetition, larva, embryo, perplication, ground, "The entire world is an egg" ... (展开)