On Photography的书评 (5)

Velma Tsau 2008-03-18 15:04:18

The Weight of Photography

Photography as a medium possesses the unique potential to reach and fascinate a single individual as well as a massive crowd, all the while inspiring those behind the camera lens to look at the world, to record every detail, and to capture endless splendor....  (展开)
Ray Wei 2012-12-04 23:38:43


不是书评的书评:《论摄影》 by Ray Wei 苏珊·桑塔格的这部书看了几遍以后,在我眼里渐渐浮出了一幅环境肖像--主体是摄影,背景是七十年代的美国--桑塔格对摄影描述了一个复杂的暗淡的形像。它的复杂并非在于它是否一本摄影专著,它不用很多摄影术语,它的复杂在于它是和...  (展开)
blackgin 2008-09-06 23:36:04

The most unbelievable book

S.S'book<On Photography>is not only a book that about some of the problems, aesthetic and moral, posed by the omnipresence of photographed images; but the more she thought about what photographs are, the more complex and suggestive they became. So is really...  (展开)
~Joe~ 2024-04-01 23:31:39


(主要)骂Diane Arbus语录: “In photographing dwarfs, you don't get majesty &amp; beauty. You get dwarf.” "the childlike wonder of the pop mentality" “The subjects of Arbus’s photographs are all members of the same family, inhabitants of a single villag...  (展开)
✨茶娓Charry 2011-11-18 09:26:01


不怎么了解摄影基本知识的读起来兴许会比较难懂书中所要表达的一些摄影内涵。也许这是由于英文与中文的文字双关不同所致。 如果要是能流畅的看英文原版还是看原版的好。毕竟这是评论性的一本书~ 内容围绕着人这一主体讨论了摄影。由人的意识形态探讨视觉表达——然,这又不仅仅...  (展开)

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