Of Grammatology 短评

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  • 10 Manchild 2015-02-21 06:57:15

    John David Ebert 大概两个小时梳理清楚了全书脉络。

  • 9 傻白甜姚姚 2015-06-30 12:22:30


  • 5 野次馬 2020-08-27 10:13:01

    感觉德里达本人才是真·boustrophedon式写作,整本Of Grammatology就是一次写作实践…即便论点耳熟能详,具体的论证和解读还是过于细致、过于从字面下手(包括在脚注、时态、语态上做文章)。想起几句奥登:“糟糕的读者即糟糕的译者:应该意译的时候直译,应该直译的时候又意译。”德里达写作时在literal与figurative meaning之间的自由切换就给人这样的感觉。但或许,这种责难也在他的意料之内,毕竟一切语词寻根溯源,都始自metaphor…

  • 1 挂角 2021-04-16 10:37:34

    Finally I survived Derrida...(pp.1-140) // yf said: Do you know why I assigned Derrida to you? It's very easy to talk about structure in sociology, but it's not so easy to talk about deconstruction which encourages us to think where is the border of sociology? How far sociology can talk us? To what extent sociology can help us solve problems?

  • 1 Waldeinsamkeit 2021-07-30 03:14:05

    補標;In Derrida’s grammatology, one always writes under erasure, crossing out signifiers with an X while allowing them to remain visible to indicate necessary reliance upon them.

  • 0 sonatanegra 2015-05-29 22:22:08


  • 0 SssSs 2021-10-26 04:41:34

    An unorthodox way of expressing one's appreciation for the great Jacques Derrida, perhaps, but I love this book -it is the one tome of his, along with "Specters of Marx", and this book has an amazing cover, depicting the Egyptian god Thoth, “the advocate of Osiris, writing on his palette” -truly tattoo-worthy.

  • 0 费德里科维奇 2024-02-16 10:43:33 美国

    谢谢一些及其详尽的youtube channel陪我一起读Derrida. 对符号学的未来忧心忡忡的Derrida似乎多了一些人味儿。我想我还是会继续思考这句话的意思:“The future can only be anticipated in the form of an absolute danger. For that future world and for that within it which will have put into question the values of sign, word, and writing, for that which guides our future anterior, there is as yet no exergue.”

  • 0 Anchi_Re 2022-08-17 06:39:15

    Grammatology, factumque est ita, 就后索续尔的结构主义而言,比乔姆斯基的强了一大截、但比我的差了一大截。罗格斯不到位,结构散架了: internal, external, but what is "ternal"?? tantum non trivialis verbum, 放眼望去,楼因此也算歪了一个时代。 还是老问题:没有Logical Grundlagen,就难成分析哲学。

  • 0 二马仕 2023-08-07 09:47:20 北京


  • 0 resonantbody 2023-11-09 07:32:13 美国

    deconstruct it all!! Ronnell真不愧是Derrida的学生

  • 0 田晨彤 2020-08-18 02:03:27

    Foucault: you are too difficult Derrida! Derrida: I am not difficult for the sake of being difficult! 这辩得太可爱我不能不爱😝 What we will say next affects what we say—defer What we say for others ->what we say— differ

  • 1 hsiehrr 2020-01-19 04:01:28


  • 0 Donny 2019-12-10 22:55:12


  • 0 伢栗野 2020-02-10 21:06:23


  • 0 普月·起看清冰 2020-06-12 18:36:21

    Comparing Barthes, who particularly stresses the writerly text and its nonlinearity, Derrida emphasizes ‘textual openness, intertextuality, and the irrelevance of distinctions between inside and outside a particular text’.

  • 2 丁萌 2018-09-24 10:38:34


  • 0 chaosmori 2024-05-24 22:35:19 广东


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