The Sun Also Rises 短评

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  • 20 万泉河名媛 2010-03-08 19:37:41


  • 6 Magnolia 2011-03-17 21:12:56

    A painfully boring story. Language is bleak and dry as in a script, but characterization is repetitive and predictable. It's ridiculous that people defend the value of this work with "iceberg theory". If I'm responsible for imagining 7/8 of the book, I might as well take care of the rest. Maybe I need to get lost before reading the lost generation.

  • 3 艾小柯 2015-11-21 17:25:26


  • 2 tintin 2015-06-13 11:30:33

    A nostalgia for Spain. Finished the book on a bus to Hangzhou, which strangely reminds me of the bus trip from Madrid to San Sebastian years ago. Those names of towns and streets and beaches and so on still sound so familiar to me as if i were on the road as before exploring the world. You have to live much in order to enjoy everything. Rock on

  • 1 林檎 2005-11-04 16:59:48


  • 1 TARDELLINO 2012-07-27 22:52:45


  • 1 ink 2013-09-28 23:02:15


  • 1 dotann 2011-02-18 14:56:55


  • 1 以心 2020-02-23 07:45:26

    life is one grand fiesta. ps it's impossible to get through Hemingway without liquor. #audible

  • 3 Pluto&Piaget 2016-12-22 22:12:43


  • 0 Alkis_Tangelis 2011-04-05 12:08:14


  • 0 菌???? 2015-08-17 00:37:46

    Nostalgically romantic and sad as hell.

  • 0 YuSi 2008-06-05 08:03:57


  • 0 静卜 2008-11-01 09:08:23

    We are always chasing something as the goal and content of our life. In the process, sometimes we hurt each other, more often we hurt ourselves.

  • 0 叮当想旅行 2012-06-22 10:56:01


  • 1 姜小白 2018-05-05 13:28:17

    英语的长句理逻辑,短句出节奏。 这本书全是短句,加上一半篇幅的对话,有一种浑厚的节奏感,粗狂的男子气概。这种节奏感撑起来了,故事就无所谓了,Brett心里到底怎么想的谁都不知道,也不需要知道,反正这种气概的氛围下没有什么是放不下的。 看似漫不经心,可实际上是精心打磨,每一章的第一句话,所有重复再重复的Outside开句,整体排列整齐,对话刻意重复,文体简单可结构超精细。 迷茫的一代哈。 想去西班牙。 It was a damned fine fiesta.

  • 0 MOOYeung 2008-07-20 23:37:13

    Just a person ,it is not change if u r lost ,if u r ...the sun also rise...u cant change much more sometime ,u r u only...

  • 0 红河谷的莲儿 2015-09-26 17:31:44


  • 0 虾仁 2013-11-06 21:30:53

    看英文版真是好慢不停查字典和对照中文版,相当于看了两本书。lost generation, now, for me, it's a great time to read it.

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