The Story of Art的笔记(184)

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  • 土匪煎 (却梦想醉卧在包厘街头)

    对古老规则的突破: It is not difficult to sense in the figures the lingering influence of the rules which governed Egyptian art. But we feel that the greatness, the majestic calm and strength which belong to Greek sculpture, are also due to this observance if ancient rules. For these rules had ceased to be a hinderance, cramping the artist's freedom. The old idea that it was important to show t...

    2013-01-11 04:31:18   2人喜欢

  • Joyce小宇宙 (好好上班,天天画画)

    The old proverb that you cannot argue about matters of taste may well be true,but that should not conceal the fact that taste can be developed.

    2012-12-16 21:56:57   2人喜欢

  • Joyce小宇宙 (好好上班,天天画画)

    Children sometimes think that stars must be star-shaped,though naturally they are not. The people who insist that in a picture the sky must be blue, and the grass green, are not very different from these children.They get indignant if they see other colours in a picture,but if we try to forget all we have heard about green grass and blue skies, and look at the world as if we had just arrived f...

    2012-09-24 22:38:14   2人喜欢

  • sugarfan

    They may heard of that Rembrandt was famous for his chiaroscuro which is the Italian technical term for light and shade- so they nod wisely when they see a Rembrandt, mumble ' wonderful chiaroscuro', and wander on to the next picture. I want to be quite frank about this danger of half-knowledge and snobbery, for we are all apt to succumb to such temptations, and a book like this could increase ...

    2012-08-01 15:34:47   2人喜欢

  • 死狐 (广告位长期招租,价格面议)

    Of course, the fact that a thing was difficult to make does not necessarily prove that it is a work of art. If it were so, the men who make models of sailing ships in glass bottles would rank among the greatest artists. But this proof of tribal skill should warn us against the belief that their work looks odd because they cannot do any better. It is not their standard of craftsmanship which is ...

    2012-04-16 05:54:29   2人喜欢

  • 岱兮 (月亮已经升起,夜晚还未降临。)

    十四世纪城镇的发展极大影响了艺术的发展。教堂不再是建筑重心,取而代之的是城市建造,市政厅、同业公会、学院、宫殿、桥梁、城门等。雕塑也转而造金属与象牙制的小像。 十四世纪绘画领域的一个重大趋势,是传统叙事方式——优美,事无巨细,学习前人作品依葫芦画瓢(formula)——与对现实的忠诚记录的揉合。一个相当伟大的过渡期,中世纪艺术迎来尾声,欧洲已经抵达文艺复兴前夜。因为描绘现实的技艺的出现,画家对于人眼视...

    2019-09-15 11:54:49   1人喜欢

  • Joyce小宇宙 (好好上班,天天画画)

    What an artist worries about as he plans his pictures,makes his sketches,or wonders whether he has completed his canvas,is something much more difficult to put into words.Perhaps he would say he worries about whether he got it 'right'.Now it is only when we understand what he means by that modest little word 'right' that we begin to understand what artists are really after.

    2012-12-16 21:11:54   1人喜欢

  • (雨夜见星光,细观乃流萤。)

    It is clear that Van Gogh was not mainly concerned with correct representation.He used colours and forms to convey what he felt about the things he painted,and what he wished others to feel.He would exaggerate and even change the appearance of things if this suited his aim.Thus he had arrived by a different road at a juncture similar to that at which Cézanne found himself during these same yea...

    2012-10-08 16:43:01   1人喜欢

  • 死狐 (广告位长期招租,价格面议)

    There really is no such thing as Art. There are only artists.

    2012-04-13 22:54:50   1人喜欢

  • 微注小窗明

    Introduction There really is no such thing as Art. There are only artists. There are two things, which we should always ask ourselves if we find fault with the accuracy of a picture. One is whether the artist may not have had his reasons for changing the appearance of what he saw. The other is that we should never condemn a work for being incorrectly drawn unless we have made quite sure that w...

    2024-01-15 12:41:37

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The Story of Art

>The Story of Art