Light on Life 短评

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  • 0 reyflowey 2023-12-10 22:02:01 广东

    Reading this book is like having a chat with Iyengar himself. His wisdom really hits home, and the way he shares it is super engaging. Every line is worth reading over and over - it's definitely a book I'll come back to. great for getting to know yourself better, especially from a psychological point of view.

  • 0 且听风吟 2020-02-14 14:11:06

    Book of the Year. Wisdom for a whole life.

  • 0 Autumn 2020-01-08 14:38:22


  • 0 J 2021-03-30 21:51:33

    While I was reading this book - Sometimes I do not understand the meaning of a word. Sometimes I do not understand the meaning behind a word. Three stars is not to the book, but to me. I am still too superficial to understand such deep wisdom. I just try to practice yoga everyday.

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