How to Stop Worrying and Start Living的书评 (9)

Hammer_ 2013-02-21 21:33:42


读这本书是自己上一年最焦虑的时候,当时,现实把之前自己不切实际的外贸发财梦破灭,在一间外贸工厂工作了一个月,果断辞职,待业在家,每天不是在找工作,就是在找工作的路上,身心疲倦,每天都生活在焦虑,彷徨,迷茫和对未来的恐惧当中,特别是爸妈无言的压力,和周围...  (展开)
Mojo 2012-09-12 13:33:34

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living


FUNDAMENTAL FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT WORRY RULE 1: if you want to avoid worry, do what Sir William Osier did: Live in "day-tight compartments". don't stew about the future. just live each day until bedtime. RULE 2: the next time Trouble--with a capital...  (展开)
brady 2009-12-05 02:40:09

The fundamental principles for tackling worry never fade over time

This book, written half a century ago, brought together a series of stories where practical strategies were used for overcoming worry problems. Appropriate use of these strategies may help build up confidence and lead to a happy life free of worry. One of ...  (展开)
alex 2007-11-19 23:36:58

The special trip that i had by reading this book

About 3 months ago, I had a a casual meeting with this book, At that time , my colleague was reading it. he told me this book could help us take worry away and in the meantime we could go over the words. So i picked it up and read it. From that time , i...  (展开)
Geniosis 2020-08-20 15:22:23



第一章 不因昨日而悔恨(覆水难收),不为明天而焦虑(船到桥头自然直),活好当下的今天。 与自己和解。 Yesterday is but a dream And tomorrow is only a vision, But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness And every tomorrow a vision of hope. W...  (展开)
Channing 2017-10-08 16:35:04

Open Your Mind and Take Actions

Ten years ago, my brother recommended this book to me, together with other books about self-help, self-development. I didn't give a glance but saved it in my computer drive and forgot about it ever since. When I started the 33books/100days project for my ow...  (展开)
铬天青 2020-06-13 15:48:40


# how to stop worrying and start living # 人性的优点 说来也是可笑,看了接近30%之后我才意识到这本书就是大名鼎鼎的卡耐基所著的《人性的优点》。(你有没有觉得这本书的中文译名很奇怪呢?那本《人性的弱点》也是如此) 一直以来,自助书籍在我眼中就是鸡汤。入口甘美,但...  (展开)
komo 2009-02-18 20:45:42

Nice book!

i like it very is a wonderful book which can go to your heart.  (展开)

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