about experiencing space and place. Place is a pause while time is a flow. Attachment to homeland. some discussions essentialize ethnic groups and reflect a evolutionary view of human civilization.
"...no one will feel comfortable throwing the first stone... it should attract the tough-minded and idealistic, for it rests ultimately on the belief that we humans can face the most unpleasant facts, and even do something about them, without despair."
作者: Yi-fu Tuan 副标题: The Perspective of Experience isbn: 0816638772 书名: Space and Place 页数: 248 定价: USD 20.00 出版社: University of Minnesota Press 出版年: 2001-1-1 装帧: Paperback
6 有用 陽光遐想 2013-06-10 16:47:53
1 有用 城市笔记人 2008-10-15 11:31:07
good; recently read his travelogue in China, felt refreshed
2 有用 padma 2011-10-11 01:47:38
1 有用 化城 2012-03-19 22:41:06
about experiencing space and place. Place is a pause while time is a flow. Attachment to homeland. some discussions essentialize ethnic groups and reflect a evolutionary view of human civilization.
1 有用 Eco 2013-03-07 11:49:38
段爷称自己研究的是“系统的人本主义地理学”(systematic humanistic geography) @2013-03-07 11:49:38
1 有用 theworldsnight 2024-01-21 08:44:49 美国
0 有用 SHAW的黏土磚 2010-02-09 23:30:30
比很多道貌岸然的"传统美学"评论都深入浅出的文章,居然立足点是"人类地理学",获益匪浅.能站在更高层次上批判本土文化,是需要挑战自我的勇气和深厚的学识的. "...no one will feel comfortable throwing the first stone... it should attract the tough-minded and idealistic, for it rests ultimately on the belief that we humans can face the most unpleasant facts, and even do something about them, without despair."
0 有用 Alice** 2017-06-23 05:11:32
Central African and South Sea languages...use names for parts of body rather than abstract prepositional terms to express spatial relations
1 有用 R. Mutt 2006-04-04 10:04:13
3 有用 小安 2015-06-16 15:35:33
一定要讀原文. 網上可找到中文譯本scan, 以為寫paper夠用. 隔天不知受了什麼感應, 去Amazon買回了原本. 行文流暢, 語義通達, 不似那譯本, 挑戰我的閱讀理解能力.
0 有用 真猪奶茶 2018-01-27 15:17:17
humanist geographer
0 有用 helen 2016-01-10 19:10:27
0 有用 了不起的苏小姐 2015-04-03 04:13:47
space is freedom, place is your identity
1 有用 独孤奴 2016-04-18 11:06:20
0 有用 绿豆饼 2015-08-30 10:29:46
0 有用 三木 2014-12-22 10:07:18
0 有用 杞人 2010-02-25 11:28:26
0 有用 robinforrest 2010-02-19 16:13:44
一本神奇但鲜为人知的作品,是关于人本地理学的,这是一门研究人类与物质空间相互之间理解与运行的学问。尽管本书写于上世纪60年代,但对于理解网络的在线体验,仍然很有影响。 作者段义孚(华裔)探索包括家庭、邻里等的空间概念,以及我们在不同时间、不同文化中的空间体验。 是我最喜欢的书之一。
0 有用 零二 2017-05-23 10:01:49
0 有用 Bonbon 2022-04-06 15:17:45
enlightening in many ways but I think Tuan could have made the argument more pointed.