South of the Border, West of the Sun的笔记(9)

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  • yuukosama

    Every time I look in your eyes, I feel that. The most I can say about you is how you were at age twelve.

    2017-09-04 21:51:24

  • yuukosama

    Being stuck in the same environment,you grow dull and lethargic.

    2017-09-04 20:45:44

  • 阿依达 (A being of pure light.)

    Oh, that familiar kitsch.

    2016-07-02 13:29:41

  • 阿依达 (A being of pure light.)

    这种时刻简直难熬极了。生活全然被打乱,再也无法好好面对亲密而无辜的旧人,原本安详的世界变得黯淡无光。除非恋上的那个人死了,或者双方撕破脸狼狈而去,不然便再无心平气和settle回原本生活的可能性。 每次恋上不合理的那个人,都好像是万劫不复,心上身上都生生撕裂剥掉一层皮一般。每次都觉得要死了,气管好像被扎裂了创口,呼吸都是力绝而泣着血的,若再没有人来相救,心脏一定痛得要停跳了。一定没有明天了,即使有,也...

    2016-07-02 10:43:29

  • 阿依达 (A being of pure light.)

    2016-07-02 09:22:00

  • 阿依达 (A being of pure light.)


    2016-07-01 12:29:58

  • 阿依达 (A being of pure light.)

    2016-07-01 02:47:02

  • 阿依达 (A being of pure light.)


    2016-06-30 16:29:59

  • 阿依达 (A being of pure light.)

    Exactly. 我在想着独生子女这个身份对我这代人造成的影响:孤独而又惧怕孤独,人与人之间过于碰撞抑或过多退让,习惯了有人无私无畏地百分百为你付出和爱你,不习惯分享。脱离了父母、开始爱情婚姻生活之后,终究是会失望的吧。

    2016-06-30 03:41:34



South of the Border, West of the Sun

>South of the Border, West of the Sun