Men Without Women 短评

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  • 1 bayer04 2013-06-12 05:29:20


  • 0 dotann 2011-07-03 01:58:09


  • 1 Gabrielle_lu 2020-03-03 21:45:46

    The way he described the trees, the walls, the whitecaps in the ocean, the roads, and the hills simply makes me want to cry. ❤️❤️❤️

  • 0 ZWT 2014-11-14 23:38:31


  • 0 Neptune. 2019-05-01 06:08:00

    terseness, impersonality, a certain type of hero, stoics, emotionally atrophied, trauma, submerging emotion

  • 0 Cococoma 2010-11-05 10:47:58

    telling nothing but the truth in a way that allowed for telling more than the truth

  • 0 遥遥 2019-01-18 13:38:09

    海明威的短篇看多了就学会了一开始便在字里行间寻找暗示,比如A Canary for One,为什么夫妻之间没有任何交流

  • 0 申不变 2022-09-30 07:44:45 英国

    White hills like elephants一篇封神,有这个整个集子就值五星了,何况还有篇经典中的经典the killer。海明威下笔的简洁和省略多少要靠相关的经验、常识与想象去补足,也无怪乎他的小说不吸引许多当代读者 - 文化背景不同的中国读者尤是。吴晓东老师有个说法叫海明威是影响作家的作家多过是影响读者的作家,是很精当的评论了。

  • 0 易无 2023-06-19 02:09:52 上海


  • 0 午睡猪 2019-12-26 23:41:22

    I enjoyed “these homespun American tales, bits of real life in the open ranch, in crowded tenement or comfortable home, and all with an undercurrent...” of longing for purpose. “I must read them.” I must read them all.

  • 0 波尔克罗索 2015-02-18 22:31:04

    "A man ought to be married. You will never regret it. Every man ought to be married." "All right," I said. "Let's try and sleep a while" “All right, Signor Tenente. I'll try it again, but you remember what I said.” "I'll remember it, now let's sleep a while, John. "

  • 0 Aliceestouaqui 2018-10-29 07:54:21

    "In the fall the war was always there, but we did not go to it any more."

  • 0 maverick 2018-05-27 14:49:31

    The Killer, Hills Like White Elephants, restrained use of description to convey characterizations and action, the grace under pressure

  • 0 索里提亚 2020-08-27 23:34:33

    丧,迷惘,疏离。海明威的『冰山』。除了第一篇和最后一篇,基本无感,可能是读英文的原因,或者海明威这种『硬汉』文风不是我的菜。有趣的是,第一篇小说的男人劝导『我』不要结婚;最后一篇小说的男人劝导『我』快点结婚。 《Undefeated》: 'A man must not marry.' ... 'If he is to lose everything, he should not place himself in a position to lose that. He should not place himself in a position to lose. He should find things he cannot lose.‘

  • 0 ReBirth 2016-09-11 20:06:13


  • 0 世界唯一的皮皮 2017-01-16 08:37:37


  • 0 Napkin Folder 2021-05-10 23:34:03

    最喜欢Banal Story 海明威绝对独一无二 最初接触他的原作是读妹妹的教材 他个人风格十分强烈 情节极简 细节繁复 字里行间充斥着一种混沌感 初读时觉得十分恼人 但是由于太爱a clean, well-lighted place, 硬着头皮读了小半年 现在已经走火入魔了!文学 多么美好啊!

  • 0 Solaris 2021-09-10 14:07:35


  • 0 小碎儿贼咪 2013-05-17 03:56:56


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