A Room of One's Own的书评 (23)

bigfish 2013-09-20 09:23:48

Women are still struggling

In a nut shell, A room of one’s own reveals a truth that if women yearn for independence of thought to work on the cultural field, they must get economic independence and a quiet, distraction-free space as a prerequisite. In effect, no matter in economic,...  (展开)
小黄兔 2016-04-24 13:28:26


真心受不了伍尔夫的文风。不过这本很短,算是比较不让人抓狂的了。 如果是浏览阅读,完全可以略过第一章。全书很适合朗读,书前半我是朗读,后半因为读到嗓子痛,就默读了。 很多读者读完大概的结论是“女人要有钱,女人要有自己的房间”。但以我看来,伍尔夫并不仅仅表达这...  (展开)
飞天遁地小花侠 2016-01-31 22:30:35


伍尔夫认为,女人需要有五百磅和属于自己的房间,来安心的写作。 一个世纪过去,女人确实能够有权利拥有金钱和私人空间,这无疑是一种进步。然而现代社会的世俗观念对女性的束缚,并没有比当时宽松多少。社会对女人的定位,总是以家庭为首位。当一个女人选择独身,或者不生育...  (展开)
陆壹肆 2013-01-26 19:19:29

A Talk of One’s Own ——An Analysis on the Conversation-Like Writing Style of A Room of One’s Own


A Room of One’s Own is one of Virginia Woolf’s non-fictions. It has been attached with great importance, compared with others of the same kind, mostly because of its feminist awareness. The famous “sister of Shakespeare”, Judith, is a movingly strong su...  (展开)
G13 2011-10-25 20:16:28


作者觉得有思想的女人,或者真正的女作家需要思想的独立,或者经济的独立。这两者或许相辅相成,就像她里面写道的"I need not hate any man; he cannot hurt me. I need not flatter any man; he has nothing to give me."正好验证了这两点。 经济独立就没什么可说的,途径很...  (展开)
Oneiros. 2020-12-25 06:59:44

A Room of One’s Own读后感。

若抛开民族、国界,宏观来看,人类社会这个概念是个不过分的断言。从类人猿走向人类社会,从诗歌走向论文,从部落走向不同制度的政府,若一个人将视野拉满这几千余年,不难从重重叠叠的历史文明中,勾勒出人类社会发展必经之路的粗略轮廓。但或许,人类可以被一分为二,与之相...  (展开)
Schadenfreude 2020-06-27 16:59:06


作者道出了女性的悲剧,没有经济权力,就没有话语权。 我们所知道的一切女性文学形象,大多数是男作家根据自己幻想和偏见写的,即使有个别女作家写作,她们笔下的女性角色也要迎合这一主流意识形态,文学是个权力斗争的领域,扭曲女性,然后通过让女人读这些文学,强迫男权对女...  (展开)
恐龙蛋 2013-11-04 20:41:25



Talking about Virginia Woolf, I am always haunted by the image of Nicole Kidman with a fake nose in THE HOURS. Since young, I have always heard people referring her as a feminist and a symbolic icon of stream of consciousness. However, reading the book, see...  (展开)
风挑一点灯 2013-03-23 19:43:19

Reincarnation of a poetess who withered halfway

Unreachable sensibility perched on the foundation of profundities and wisdom,yet bearing the burden of such a soul too intricate and delicate to act as if balanced and sometimes seemed to be stuck in predicament.Words flowed in a touching integrity langua...  (展开)
开花的扁桃树 2020-04-18 11:16:00

Not A Ferminist

《A Room of One's Own》一直被认为是女性主义的宣言,但我觉得这样看她太狭隘了,Woolf已经超越了性别,她关心的是人、是文学、是艺术。 她确实在女性写作方面进行了很多思考。她演讲的主题是Women and Fiction,开篇就提出观点: All I could do was to offer you an opinion...  (展开)
Gemi 2023-10-28 14:07:11

Think of things in themselves

写得太好了!理智、情感、美学都兼备的一部作品。作者充满逻辑和又情感饱满的长句,第一次让我觉得英文长句很多情况下是必要、也很美的,单看文字就很让人着迷;本是一本分析性书籍,作者却把自己写这本书的时候的环境、感受、境遇等等巧妙地穿插其中,增加了故事性、氛围感,...  (展开)
Jannie 2023-06-05 21:02:41


作者的书名表示说如果一个女性希望成为一个小说家,首先他需要需要一个房间,其次需要钱。作者在文中提到说,five hundred a year stands for the power to contemplate, that a lock on the door means the power to think for oneself.但是全文看下来,作者并不单单实在讨论...  (展开)
想想走走 2021-06-22 13:39:24


virginia woolf 的意识流小说吧算是,读的英文原版,我没有比较过译本,就直接读的原文,语言非常优美,长句排比非常多,语气非常畅快。读起来在语言方面非常舒服。 但相比之乡内容比较枯燥,说来说去就是女人的独立性的问题,从经济独立推导到思想独立,如此而已,说理冗长枯...  (展开)
不系舟 2021-01-06 16:25:57

A room of one’s own


伍尔夫谈到,伟大作者的心灵是雌雄兼备的,不是说对另外的性别有深刻的理解,而是说不带偏见、不带压抑、也不带愤怒地自由去表达想法,发挥天赋。 作者谈到了女性在历史上从待遇/权利、受到教育的机会、空闲及不受打扰的时间、前人语汇缺乏等方面的劣势。更重要的是社会的观念...  (展开)
玉間鐵 2020-11-21 21:15:09

How to cope with the relation between woman and fiction

1. To grasp the chance and earn as much money as possible. 2. To think and write androgynously. 3. To ponder over the relation between reality and unreality beyond that of human rekations. 4. To fight against the pressure and threat imposed upon female by s...  (展开)
Fromme 2020-08-06 21:12:09



非常激励人心,她是我的一位珍贵祖先,就像the testaments里最后一段的Aunt Lydia. 感觉有几个主题:女性拥有物质条件的重要性;同时拥有男性和女性思维的重要性;作家诚恳听从内心,保持'integrity'的重要性。诚实地说,没有完全理解'integrity'。有异议的地方:1.为什么女性...  (展开)
猫头鹰崽崽 2020-05-13 18:42:25


Just as I saw a caterpillar hanging above my bed, the drillmaster shut the light and commanded silence. Shall I scream? I thought it for a while, then decided not to, for our dormitory was in complete silence and I have already missed the best moment-the so...  (展开)
一只小矮子 2019-02-19 15:08:02


二月就读完了这一本书。 在扇贝阅读读的英语原版的,速度有点慢,囫囵吞枣。 作者鼓励女性挣钱,拥有一间自己的房间。 思想的自由,是建立在物质基础上的。 诗人都很穷困,但事实上,列举的12个伟大的诗人,无一没有受过大学教育,父辈生意做的好,免除了财务之忧。 穷人的孩子...  (展开)
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