Women in Love的书评 (3)

XD 2009-06-19 11:22:00

An Ironical Equilibrium In Lawrence’s Women In Love


In his subtle and complex Women in Love, Lawrence portrays the evolvement of two romantic relationships of the Brangwen sisters. The tale is divided by the contrasting interactions between two couples: while Gudrun Brangwen succumbs to her sadist lover Gera...  (展开)
Echosane 2014-09-20 09:34:38

Women in love-关于爱,放逐和绝望

这本书我还剩一个结尾没有读完。 Gerald的死已经让我非常难过,书中借Birkin的所见描述这位被Gudrun认为带有强烈的manly conceit的角色的死亡,他就像是睡着了,蜷缩着,变成很小的一团。记得开场Laurence 如此描写他: The clear northern flesh and his fair hair wa...  (展开)

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