
  • 他感觉,像所有过于美好的事物一样,一个梦想在遇到现实刹那消失了。整个世界的未来与青春和爱情的分量相比,都将轻如鸿毛。而且,他也知道他的精神世界就蜗居在它自己的疆域里,香格里拉就是这样浓缩的世界,而这个世界现在也岌岌可危。即使他努力让自己振作起来,他还是感觉到自己的梦幻长廊在扭曲、亭台在倒塌,一切都将土崩瓦解。虽然他并非完全悲伤,但却感到无尽和痛苦的困惑。他不知道到底是他原来疯了现在清醒了,还是他原来一直清醒现在又疯了。 (查看原文)
    迷幻地瓜 2024-02-20 17:09:18
    —— 引自章节:第十一章
  • 他已经做领事工作有十个年头了,这么长时间的经历已足够让他判断出自己还有多少机遇了。他知道那些美差不适合自己,而他也不会吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸来聊以自慰,他真的不喜欢那些工作。他更偏爱那些不受约束又有趣味的工作,即使这些工作薪水不高。正因为这些工作在别人的眼里都不是什么好差事,所以毫无疑问他给人的感觉是做事不行。实际上,他自我感觉相当不错,他这十年过得丰富多彩,还算开心。 (查看原文)
    claire_lynn 2024-03-04 17:13:05
    —— 引自章节:第二章
  • Do you really wish that? I'll tell you if you like, though you'll perhaps think me cynical. It's because so much else that I can look back on seems nightmarish too. This isn't the only mad part of the world, Mallinson. After all, if you must think of Baskul, do you remember just before we left how the revolutionaries were torturing their captives to get information? An ordinary washing-mangle, quite effective of course, but I don't think I ever saw anything more comically dreadful. And do you recollect the last message that came through before we were cut off? It was a circular from a Manchester textile firm asking if we knew of any trade openings in Baskul for the sale of corsets! Isn't that mad enough for you? Believe me, in arriving here the worst that can have happened is that we've ex... (查看原文)
    此处插入用户名 2024-03-16 17:18:31
    —— 引自第65页
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