《The Mill on the Floss》的原文摘录

  • Every one of those keen moments has left its trace and lives in us still, but such traces have blended themselves irrecoverably with the firmer texture of youth and manhood; and so it comes that we can look on at the troubles of our children with a smiling disbelief in the reality of their pain. Is there anyone who can recover the experience of his childhood, not merely with a memory of what he did and what happened to him, of what he liked and disliked when he was in frock and trousers, but with an intimate penetration, a revived consciousness of what he felt when——when it was so long from one Midsummer to another? What he felt when his schoolfellows shut him out of their game because he would pitch the ball wrong out of mere wilfulness; or on a rainy day in the holidays, when he didn't k... (查看原文)
    Faithful 2015-08-06 08:21:36
    —— 引自第70页
  • Oh, Aristotle, if you had had the advantage of being "the freshest modern" instead of the greatest ancient, would you not have mingled your praise of metaphorical speech as a sign of high intelligence with a lamentation that intelligence so rarely shows itself in sppech without metaphor that we can so seldom declare what a thing is except by saying it is something else? (查看原文)
    Faithful 2015-08-20 08:40:32
    —— 引自第157页
  • There is something sustaining in the very agitation that accompanies the first shocks of trouble, just as an acute pain is often a stimulus and produces an excietement which is transient strength. It is in the slow, changed life that follows, in the timw when sorrow has become stale and has no longer an emotive intensity that counteracts its pain, in the time when day follows day in dull unexpectant sameness and tiral is a dreary routine—it is then that despair threatens; it is then that the peremptory hunger of the soul is felt, and eye and ear are strained after some unlearned secret of our existence which shall given to endurance the nature of satisfaction. (查看原文)
    Faithful 2015-08-26 12:22:26
    —— 引自第311页