All the details, plans, and ideas you need to use stock kitchen cabinets to create built-ins throughout the home. This expertly written, heavily-illustrated resource provides builders, remodellers, designers, and architects with all the ideas and information they need to use stock kitchen cabinetry to create beautiful and functional built-ins throughout the home. Homeowners will find this a valuable resource, too. Written by a certified kitchen and bathroom designer with twenty-five years' experience in the field, "Beautiful Built-Ins" is packed with plan details and installation tips - so pitching the sale, closing the deal, specifying and ordering materials, and actual assembly is efficient and easy.It will prove to be a source of design inspiration complete with the necessary 'how to' information. With more than 750 illustrations, "Beautiful Built-Ins" is versatile enough to double as a presentation portfolio and can actually improve your bottom line by giving you more options to offer your clients. Invaluable to builders, remodellers, designers, and architects. This title includes: assembly tips: bedrooms, bathrooms, and exercise areas; beverage centres; libraries, offices and desks; craft rooms, potting benches, and workshops; entertainment centres; utility areas; children's rooms; dining areas; and cabinets. It also features appendix, glossary, and manufacturers and suppliers.