The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies 短评

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  • 0 电胆马 2023-02-13 13:46:27 中国香港

    18 Blogging the Third Wave? 22 Digital Ethnography and Media Practices Elisenda Ardévol and Edgar Gómez-Cruz digital ethnographic methods typically include (a) the ethnography of online communities, (b) the ethnography of online and offline field settings, and (c) the ethnography of everyday digital media practices.

  • 1 周游多吃点儿 2022-08-01 22:40:41

    打着media history的旗号讲communication,说是百科全书不算夸张。第一辑的质量高到可以直接当syllabus,秒杀市面一切教材,可惜看晚了。

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