《How Europe Underdeveloped Africa》的原文摘录

  • There was nothing "natural" about monoculture. It was a consequence of imperialist requirements and machinations, extending into areas that were politically independent in name. Monoculture was a characteristic of regions falling under imperialist domination. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第285页
  • 欧洲殖民者进入非洲后彻底打乱了其原本的发展轨迹。在一系列的盘剥之后,殖民者试图美化其剥削为“发展”非洲。然而事实胜于雄辩。 Indeed, what was called "the development of Africa" by the colonialists was a cynical shorthand expression for "the intensification of colonial exploitation in Africa to develop capitalist Europe." The analysis has gone beyond that to demonstrate that numerous false claims are made purporting to show that Europe developed Africa in the sense of bringing about social order, nationalism, and economic modernisation. However, all of that would still not permit the conclusion that colonialism had a negative impact on Africa's development. In offering the view that colonialism was negative, the aim is to draw attention to the way that previous African development was blunted, halted, and turned back. In place of that interruption and... (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第270页
  • Without colonial troops, there would have been no "British forces" fighting on the Asian front in the 1939-45 war, because the ranks of the British forces were filled with Indians and other colonials, including Afircans and West Indians. It is a general characteristic of colonialism that the metropole utilized the manpower of the colonies. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第225页
  • 自己人打自己人 Quite early in the East African campaign, the British brought in an expeditionary force of Punjabis and Sikhs, as well as regiments of West Africans. Some Sudanese and West Indians were also there. At first, a few white settlers joined the war because they thought it was a picnic, but within a year the white residents of British East Africa were showing extreme reluctance to join local fighting forces. In effect, therefore, Africans were fighting Africans to see which European power should rule over them. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第226页
  • 自己人打自己人 African roles in European military operations were vividly displayed by the East African campaign during the First World War, when Britain and Germany fought for possession of East Africa. At the beginning of the war, the Germans had in Tanganyika a regular force of 216 Europeans and 2,540 African askari. During the war, 3,000 Europeans and 11,000 askari were enrolled. On the British side, the main force was the KAR, comprising mainly East Africans and soldiers from Nyasaland. The battalions of the KAR had by November 1918 over 35,000 men, of whom nine out of ten were Africans. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第226页
  • In effect, therefore, the colonial governments never put a penny into the colonies. All expenses were met by exploitation the labor and natural resources of maintaining the colonial government machinery was a form of alienation of the products of African labor. The French colonies were especially victimised in this respect. Particularly since 1921, the local revenue raised from taxation had to meet all expenses as well as build up a reserve. 压榨非洲,得来的钱用于持续殖民政府运营。除开政府花销还有了结余。 (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第196页
  • The explanation is that the unequal exchange was forced upon Africa by the political and military supremacy of the colonisers... The unequal nature of the trade between the metropole and the colonies was emphasised by the concept of the "protected market," which meant even an inefficient metropolitan producer could find a guaranteed market in the colony where his class had political control. Furthermore, as in the preceding era of pre-colonial trade, European manufacturers built up useful sidelines of goods which would have been substandard in their own markets, especially in textiles. the European farmer also gained in the same way by selling cheap butter, while the Scandinavian fisherman came into his own through the export of salted cod. Africa was not a large market for European pro... (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第191页
  • Very rarely were they Africans, and more usually they were a minority group brought in from outside and serving as intermediaries between the white colonialists and the exploited African peasant. In West Africa, the Lebanese and Syrians played this role; while in East Africa the Indians rose to this position. Arabs were also in the middleman category in Zanzibar and a few other places on the East African coast. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第183页
  • 印证“黑暗森林”理论。A more developed civilization arrived - annihilation of the lesser. It is widely accepted that Africa was colonized because of its weakness. The concept of weakness should be understood to embrace military weakness and inadequate economic capacity, as well as certain political weaknesses: namely, the incompleteness of the establishment of nation-states, which left the continent divided, and the low level of consciousness concerning the world at large, which had already been transformed into a single system by the expansion of capitalist relations. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第174页
  • 英法分蛋糕还吵架。德国来了,后来整个欧洲差点没在非洲打起来。 Britain and France up to the 1850s and 1860s would have preferred to divide Africa into informal "spheres of influence." That means that there would have been a gentlemen's agreement that (say) Nigeria would be exploited by Frenchmen. At the same time, both Englishmen and Frenchmen would trade in a minor way in each other's informal empire. But, firstly, there was disagreement over who should suck which pieces of Africa (especially since Germany wanted to join the grabbing); and, secondly, the moment that one European power declared an area of Africa as a protectorate or a colony, it put up tariffs against European traders of other nationalities, and in turn forced their rivals to have colonies and discriminatory tariffs. One thing led to another, and soon... (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第167页
  • 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 Africans conducting trade on behalf of Europeans were not merely commercial agents, but also cultural agents, since inevitably they were heavily influenced by European thought and values. …… However, the educational process also meant imbibing values which led to further African subjugation. One West African educated in this early period wrote a Ph.D. Thesis in Latin justifying slavery. That was not surprising. The Reverend Thomas Thompson was the first European educator on the Gold Coast, and he wrote in 1778 a pamphlet entitled, The African Trade for Negro Salves Shown to be Consistent with the Principles of Humanity and the Laws of Revealed Religion. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第170页
  • C.L.R. James, noted Pan-Africanist and Marxist, once remarked that: The race question is subsidiary to the class question in polities, and to think of imperialism in terms of race is disastrous. But to neglect the racial factor as merely incidental is an error only less grave than to make it fundamental. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第104页
  • The slave trade on the Indian Ocean has been called the "East African Slave Trade" and the "Arab Slave Trade" for so long that it hides the extent to which it was also a European slave trade. When the slave trade from East Africa was at its height in the eighteenth century and in the early nineteenth century, the destination of most captives was the European-owned plantation economies of Mauritius, Reunion, and Seychelles -- as well as the Americas, via the Cape of Good Hope(南非好望角). (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第109页
  • The zones most notorious for human exports were, firstly, West Africa from Senegal to Angola along a belt extending about two hundred miles inland and, secondly, that part of East-Central Africa which today covers Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi, northern Zambia, and eastern Congo. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第113页
  • 先有经济剥削,后有以种族为名义的殖民正当化。 Occasionally, it is mistakenly held that Europeans enslaved Africans for racist reasons. European planters and miners enslaved Africans for economic reasons, so that their labor power could be exploited. ...... Then, having become utterly dependent on African labor, Europeans at home and abroad found it necessary to rationalize that exploitation in racist terms as well. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第103页
  • However, it can be affirmed without reservations that the white racism which came to pervade the world was an integral part of the capitalist mode of production. Nor was it merely a question of how the individual white person treated a black person. The racism of Europe was a set of generalizations and assumptions, which had no scientific basis, but were rationalized in every sphere from theology to biology. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第103页
  • After reaching the Indian Ocea, the Portuguese sought with some success to replace Arabs as the merchants who tied East African ivory which was marketed in India, while Indian cloth and heads were sold in East and West Africa by the Portuguese, Dutch, English, and French. When the Portuguese and the Spanish were still in command of a major sector of world trade in the first half of the seventeenth century, they engaged in buying cotton cloth in India to exchange for slaves in Africa to mind gold in Central and South America. Part of the gold in the Americas would then be used to purchase spices and silks from the Fast East. The concept of metropole and dependency automatically came into existence when parts of Africa were caught up in the web of international commerce. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第87页
  • The significant thing about the internationalization of trade in the fifteenth century was that Europeans took the initiative and went to other parts of the world. No Chinese boats reached Europe, and if any African canoes reached the Americas (as is sometimes maintained), they did not establish two-way links. What was called international trade was nothing but the extension overseas of European interests. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第86页
  • It should also be reiterated that slavery as a mode of production was not present in any African society, although some slaves were to be found where the decomposition of communal equality had gone furthest. This is an outstanding feature illustrating the autonomy of the African path within the broader framework of universal advance. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第82页
  • As one index to the standard of social life, it has been pointed out that public baths were common in the cities of Maghred at a time when in Oxford the doctrine was still being propounded that the washing of the body was a dangerous act. (查看原文)
    HellwoodWen 1赞 2020-12-03 23:46:06
    —— 引自第63页
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