Normal Accidents的书评 (2)

大爷 2020-12-10 23:04:06

《Normal Accidents》阅读笔记 by 周雪光

转自周老师微博,侵删 Normal Accidents: Living with High-Risk Technologies by Charles Perrow Princeton University Press, 1999 想起这本书,是因为最近思考“松散关联”(loose coupling) 组织现象,记得这本书对这个题目有专门讨论。择章读下来,在新冠疫情大流行的背景...  (展开)
xianshi 2010-02-05 23:56:40


The author of this book is Prof. Charles Perrow, who is a famous sociologist at Yale University and did many researches in high risk accidents, like nuclear plants, air transport, DNA research and chemical plants, and crisis management. This book could sati...  (展开)

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