Conservatives trade index funds or etf with dollar cost averaging, trembling in the dark hoping no market crash pending recession while autists won’t even blink playing with FDs, yoloing life savings making lucrative income, or betting into their own death. Walk a fine line and one would profit, away from both extremes.
作者: Burton G. Malkiel 副标题: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing, Ninth Edition isbn: 0393062457 书名: A Random Walk Down Wall Street 页数: 480 定价: USD 29.95 出版社: W. W. Norton 装帧: Hardcover 出版年: 2007-01-22
2 有用 雪地里的水煮蛋 2011-09-04 14:02:44
hmm....the normal distribution in MPT....等着读2011版,看怎么解释关于real estate和derivatives...
1 有用 シ__水_色_。ゾ 2010-01-30 11:27:32
据说是Personal Finance指定书籍的有益辅助版……
1 有用 intermezzi 2012-08-25 13:51:57
Index fund! 返璞归真!
1 有用 anchasophie 2019-07-25 17:06:08
0 有用 庄常飞 2013-01-03 12:00:07
还不错,但现在再读明显无法提供和Four Pillars同样的养分
0 有用 Moksa@鹿野苑 2008-06-22 17:59:11
Too clssical, too simple, somehow to be wrong
0 有用 果冻 2011-07-09 21:53:59
0 有用 起了个响亮名号 2014-01-16 14:31:19
0 有用 whatever 2011-10-25 02:52:13
Voice 1
0 有用 求仁得仁 2017-03-14 10:47:53
The wrong book
0 有用 Heather的冬天 2020-11-01 04:10:51
0 有用 滴水石穿 2020-03-30 10:15:49
Index fund investing...
0 有用 NGC1672 2019-09-15 07:47:10
I'm satisfied to be a free rider. 讲真 重要的事真的需要讲三遍??!
0 有用 我是一只漂流瓶 2021-05-25 15:59:54
0 有用 张加一 2021-10-11 03:59:36
1 有用 七年 2011-10-29 06:47:39
It's all about time and risk.
0 有用 晓晗 2017-08-02 23:45:59
1 有用 willadaptive 2013-05-28 09:14:03
The days we live in a bubble are never ending.=]
0 有用 Hoxx 2015-10-19 21:58:20
0 有用 Eire 2019-07-08 13:12:22
Conservatives trade index funds or etf with dollar cost averaging, trembling in the dark hoping no market crash pending recession while autists won’t even blink playing with FDs, yoloing life savings making lucrative income, or betting into their own death. Walk a fine line and one would profit, away from both extremes.