The Temple of the Golden Pavilion 短评

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  • 1 Alci 2015-09-28 23:04:57

    Mishima constructed a story of how a stuttering young man became the arsonist of the golden pavilion. The story itself was marvelously intriguing because it intertwined the boy's psychological degeneration which was obviously a string of disasters with his philosophical development which, in some mysterious way, seemingly legitimate and agreeable.

  • 1 namik_ercan 2019-07-27 20:58:58


  • 0 2013-09-18 08:50:11

    "Beauty, beautiful things," I continued, "those are now my most deadly enemies."

  • 0 Patty 2012-03-10 08:47:07

    Mishima is too frightening :O

  • 0 夏芒 2018-04-18 17:38:20

    does every meagre figure have a fire inside his/her heart to demolish the admirable? is it despair or grievance the cause of the fire? the novel does not give answers. but its realistic narration and superb aesthetic taste make it a masterpiece.

  • 0 oranje 2022-06-27 03:39:21


  • 0 碱基雅维利 2023-08-26 20:51:33 浙江


  • 1 韭菜的觉悟 2020-08-08 23:46:30


  • 0 Macmania 2020-06-03 11:15:39

    对自然风景的描写真乃一绝。小和尚心理活动的手法让我想起了老陀,但又带着一种独特的压抑含蓄,不知这种含蓄是日本特色,还是东亚特色,闷骚至极,味淡如水,却又后味绵长。私以为唯一美中不足的是最后结局有些仓促,点一支烟… 好像是《Sopranos》的结局

  • 0 柴米油盐 2020-01-02 09:24:16

    20190930-20200102 // serene beauty. powerful melodies of the heart. one of the better japanese novels, bravo to mishma

  • 0 安德烈 2019-02-25 06:31:03

    Knowledge, it is the knowledge that helps us to endure this unbearable being.

  • 0 Bojjja 2019-02-17 04:36:27

    第一遍读完觉得完全无法安放。读了临济录再回头看金阁寺 才觉得有点读懂Mishima想要表达什么。

  • 1 Master. W 2019-06-28 12:23:53


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