The Economy of Cities的笔记(2)

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  • 豆友189513838

    Part 1 Modern and historical relationships between city and rural work 1950s remarkable changes in Japanese agriculture - by WWII urbanized country Part 2 conjecture what those relationships must have been in prehistoric times Part 3 suggest why the conventional and contrary theory took hold

    2019-09-04 09:11:53

  • 豆友189513838

    Cities are places where adding new work to older work proceeds vigorously. Indeed, any settlement where this happens becomes a city. Beause of this process city economies are more complicated and diverse than the economies of villages..This is why I have also argued that cities are the promary necessity for economic development.., including rural development. Para1 How one kind of work leads to...

    2019-09-03 23:39:30



The Economy of Cities

>The Economy of Cities