Fashionable Nonsense 短评

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  • 1 孙泽龙 2022-11-06 21:45:31 浙江

    it treats a complex society as a monolith, obscures the conflicts within it, and takes its most obscurantist factions as spokespeople for the whole.

  • 0 Thomas 2010-10-10 20:02:28


  • 1 子娜娜敏 2022-02-09 00:20:45

    finally read this; decided it does not even deserve rebuttal

  • 0 安之若素 2021-07-02 16:02:25

    “The mere fact that an idea is irrefutable does not imply that there is any reason to believe that it is true." 选择相信什么,怀疑什么,并不一定要陷入极端相对主义,作者所言有一些“公理自在人心”的感觉。当一个人在作出判断时,ta自己一定清楚自己是否在为了某些除了追寻真理之外的原因诡辩。/即使是伟大的哲学家、文学家、理论家也要为自己的言论负责,把metaphor/analogy强行解释成理论本身就相当吃相难看了。/如果大家选择“说人话”,就没有这样的问题了嘛!

  • 0 朱雀 2022-11-24 18:56:07 云南

    骂的绝了,hhhh @2021-07-05 12:19:30

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