Ex Libris 短评

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  • 0 YING 2015-04-20 08:46:14

    Scintillating. 書痴談書,頁頁痴絕。

  • 0 荷马的玫瑰 2011-10-18 03:12:59


  • 0 Bookworm 2006-09-10 18:58:43

    这本书是Anne Fadiman 的第一本读书随笔文集。作者以平淡的文字叙述其对书的热爱和读书的乐趣。作者1997年至2002年曾担任American Scholar 的主编。

  • 0 新地 2009-12-15 15:32:27

    The book starts with this: When the Irish novelist John Mcgahern was a child, his sisters unlaced and removed one of his shoes while he was reading. He did not stir. They placed a straw hat on his head. No response. Only when they took away the wooden chair on which he was sitting did he, as he puts it, "wake out of the book." I was such a child -- and I was such a child.

  • 0 芣苡 2011-02-27 12:25:51

    Quirky and interesting at times, and the rest of the time..what an tiresome pedantic show-off!

  • 0 Oleaceae 2023-01-03 20:09:38 英国

    Delicious little volume 朋友给我的圣诞礼物,说焦虑学业的时候不要忘记你为什么在学文学, this will remind you of the joy of reading. 书真好,赞美书。

  • 0 Jaehn 2010-05-24 19:13:16


  • 0 艾里卡 2021-04-13 19:44:34


  • 0 吧哒吧哒 2012-05-06 23:57:34

    原来中文翻作书趣 翻得真好 这么有趣的书真是要慢慢看的 看完了会失落的呢

  • 0 GFH 2019-08-21 10:43:29

    很多年前美國國會圖書館辦了一本雜誌叫做Civilization(曲高和寡,沒幾年就結束營業),其中我最愛看的就是Anne Fadiman在上頭的專欄.Fadiman一家都是書蟲(她父親最有名的一本書,叫做"一生的讀書計劃"),她的專欄裡頭講的全是各式各樣的書有關的事情,集結成書,就是這本Ex Libris.對我這個book nerd而言,讀起來真是大有吾道不孤之感,只可惜當年雜誌裡頭同樣精彩的漫畫沒放進來,不然就完美了.

  • 0 狡兔三窟 2021-12-05 23:24:10

    @2016-06-30 09:39:38

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