The Raw and the Cooked 短评

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  • 1 Celine 2008-01-07 13:48:46


  • 1 skeeter 2010-03-08 10:33:14

    "The final aim of anthropology is to contribute to a better understanding of the objectified thought and its mechanisms, it is in the last resort immaterial whether in this book the thought processes of the South American Indians take shape through the medium of my thought, or whether mine take place through the medium of theirs. What matters is that the human mind, regardless of the identity of those who happened to be giving it expression, should display an increasingly intelligible structure as a result of the doubly relfexive forward movement of two thought processes acting one upon the other, either of which can in turn provide the spark or tinder whose conjunction will shed light on both. "

  • 0 兀鲁厄 2021-12-30 06:56:47


  • 0 满月様 2019-11-22 12:02:35

    各种屎尿屁肛门乱交变形的故事都太太太太好玩加对胃口了!感觉opposite polarity有很多可以加工打磨的空间,回头再去追一下Levi-Strauss和Derrida的撕逼

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