
  • 倘若你高抬贵手,容我听其自然,我就会半睡半醒地了此一生。 (查看原文)
    年末 9赞 2016-10-09 12:33:40
    —— 引自章节:十六
  • Then savage, reckless, drenched with the rain, he saw in the first glimmer of dawn the window of Durham's room, and his heart leapt alive and shook him to pieces. It cried 'You love and are loved.' He looked round the court. It cried 'You are strong, he weak and alone,' won over his will. Terrified at what he must do, he caught hold of the mullion and sprang. 'Maurice-' As he alighted his name had been called out of dreams. The violence went out of his heart, and a purity that he had never imagined dwelt there instead. His friend had called him. He stood for a moment entranced, then the new emotion found him words, and laying his hand very gently upon the pillows he answered 'Clive!' (查看原文)
    天行者爱grogu 4赞 2013-03-01 15:57:46
    —— 引自第55页
  • 有些题目好下笔 ,有的教人犯难。我晓得这回我可挑了个扎手的题目,也许比黄色的还要犯禁。它并不色情诲淫,只是个不能见人的社会问题。正如艾滋病,它在中国没 有在西方那么严重。然而也正如艾滋病, 中国也有。有些人不了解人间还有这种事儿,也有些人晓得它的存在 ,但讳莫如深。我认为正确的唯物主义的态度是应该摊开来 谈谈 ,并取得正确的共识。 40 年代我留学剑桥时,曾结识了本世纪英国大小说家 之一的 E M 福斯特。他写了一部以同性恋为题材的小说《莫瑞斯》,在遗嘱中规定死后才出版。承他慷慨地从银行保险库中取出,借我看了 一个月。事后我曾给他写过一封长信,谈了我对这个问题的认识。 在性觉醒之前,男孩子同男孩子也会要好, 甚至好到形影不离,这很平常;女孩子们大概也会如此。到一定时候,就会被对异性的感情所取代。这种要好 ,并没有生理上的欲求。 我第一次接触到同性恋这个问题是在1926 年。那时,我在北新书局当练习生。一道干活的有两个少年。我在回 忆录《未带地图的旅人》中称他们为黑徒弟和白徒弟。我们三个人都睡在办公室,每人占一张桌子。一晚,那个白徒弟把我吓坏了。那是夏天 , 半夜里 ,他硬要爬上我那张桌子 ,接着又去找黑徒弟。原来他不仅仅要一道躺下 ,还要我们鸡奸他。我至今还记得他几乎跪下来向我们央求的那副可怜相。黑徒弟同我 样,对自徒弟这个恳求感到厌恶和害怕。 不久 ,我们三个因闹“罢工”,一齐都被辞退,就各奔东西了。 那时我还不大懂事 ,可我始终没敢对人谈这个经历,总认为难以启口。白徒弟的癫狂却使我懂得,同性恋并不只是男的同男的要好,这里还有着生理上的一种变态,很可能是先天性的,开始得比异性恋早而更强烈。 1930 年我在辅仁大学读书时,又听到 桩奇谈。有个已结了婚的同学,每逢他太太外出 ,他就请一位拉人力幸的 到他家去“干活”,而且“报酬从优”。这是那位拉人力车的年轻人亲自告诉我... (查看原文)
    燕贼 8回复 1赞 2013-05-05 22:53:17
    —— 引自章节:唉,同性恋
  • I'm not here to get advice, nor to talk about thoughts and ideas either. I'm flesh and blood, if you'll condescend to such low things... (查看原文)
    Leopardus 4赞 2014-09-24 14:02:19
    —— 引自章节:46
  • 他没有神,他没有情人——这两者通常能诱使人们培育美德。 (查看原文)
    片桐 3赞 2012-05-19 14:15:41
    —— 引自第157页
  • They walked arm in arm or arm around shoulder now. When they sat it was nearly always in the same position—Maurice in a chair, and Durham at his feet, leaning against him. In the world of their friends this attracted no notice. Maurice would stroke Durham's hair. (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • His replies were equally long. Maurice never let them out of his pocket, changing them from suit to suit and even pinning them in his pyjamas when he went to bed. He would wake up and touch them and, watching the reflections from the street lamp, remember how he used to feel afraid as a little boy. (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • The mist would lower again, he felt sure, and with an unhappy sigh he pulled Durham's head against his knee, as though it was a talisman for clear living. It lay there, and he had accomplished a new tenderness—stroked it steadily from temple to throat. Then, removing both hands, he dropped them on either side of him and sat sighing. He stared at the ceiling with wrinkled mouth and eyes, understanding nothing except that man has been created to feel pain and loneliness without help from heaven. Now Durham stretched up to him, stroked his hair. They clasped one another. They were lying breast against breast soon, head was on shoulder, but just as their cheeks met someone called "Hall" from the court, and he answered: he always had answered when people called. Both started violently, and Durh... (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • Maurice gave a cry of pain. It was so unmistakable that Durham, who was about to close the door between them, said, "Very well, 111 discuss if you like. What's the matter? You appear to want to apologize about something. Why? You behave as if I'm annoyed with you. What have you done wrong? You've been thoroughly decent from first to last." In vain he protested. "So decent that I mistook your ordinary friendliness. When you were so good to me, above all the afternoon I came up— I thought it was something else. I am more sorry than I can ever say. I had no right to move out of my books and music, which was what I did when I met you." His voice was feeble but clear, and his face like a sword. Mau-rice flung useless words about love. (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • Towards the end of the term he noticed that Hall had acquired a peculiar and beautiful expression. It came only now and then, was subtle and lay far down; he noticed it first when they were squabbling about theology. It was affectionate, kindly, and to that extent a natural expression, but there was mixed in it something that he had not observed in the man, a touch of— impudence? He was not sure, but liked it. It recurred when they met suddenly or had been silent. (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • It did not matter which of them suggested what that day; the other always agreed. (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • He remembered that Clive and he had only been together one day! And they had spent it careering about like fools—instead of in one another's arms! Maurice did not know that they had thus spent it perfectly—he was too young to detect the triviality of contact for contact's sake. (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • "I should have gone through life half awake if you'd had the decency to leave me alone." "Perhaps we woke up one another. I like to think that any way." "I think you're beautiful, the only beautiful person I've ever seen. I love your voice and everything to do with you, down to your clothes or the room you are sitting in. I adore you." (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • For love to end where it begins is far more beautiful, and Nature knows it. (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • Maurice looked at him with tenderness. He was studying him, as in the earliest days of their acquaintance. Only then it was to find out what he was like, now what had gone wrong with him. (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • At times he entertained the dream. Two men can defy the world. (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • "No, you may not ask," interrupted the other. "You belong to the past. I'll tell you everything up to this moment—not a word beyond." "You care for me a little bit, I do think," he admitted, "but I can't hang all my life on a little bit. I can't hang mine on to the five minutes you spare me from her and politics. You'll do anything for me except see me. " "You do care a little for me, I know, but nothing to speak of, and you don't love me.I was yours once till death if you'd cared to keep me, but I'm someone else's now—I can't hang about whining for ever—and he's mine in a way that shocks you, but why don't you stop being shocked, and attend to your own happiness?" The Blue Room would glimmer, ferns undulate. Out of some external Cambridge his friend began beckoning to him, clothed in the ... (查看原文)
    Kino 2赞 2015-06-18 17:54:08
    —— 引自章节:Chapter -
  • They were his last words, because Maurice had disappeared thereabouts, leaving no trace of his presence except a little pile of the petals of the evening primrose, which mourned from the ground like an expiring fire. To the end of his life Clive was not sure of the exact moment of departure, and with the approach of old age he grew uncertain whether the moment had yet occured. The Blue Room would glimmer, ferns undulate. Out of some external Cambridge his friend began backoning to him, clothed in the sun, and shaking out the scents and sounds of the May Term. (查看原文)
    木莓 4回复 3赞 2018-11-09 21:55:58
    —— 引自章节:Chap 46
  • 克莱夫怀着满腔同情,不再言语了。直到分手,双方都不曾打破沉默。一路上,莫瑞斯弯腰低头而坐,用手心捂住两眼。他这辈子,明明知道各种各样的事,却又不理解一这是他性格中的极大缺陷。他知道回彭杰是危险的,惟恐一桩荒唐事会从森林里朝他跳跃过来,然而他还是回来了。“她长着一双目光炯烔的褐色眼睛吗?”当安妮这么说的时候,他心里怦怦直跳。不知为什么,他知道不从卧室的窗口接二连三地朝黑夜探出身去,呼唤“来吧”会更聪明一些。跟绝大多数男人一样,他对任何暗示都是敏感的,然而他不能理解个中奥妙,直到危急关头才恍然大悟。这场混乱与剑桥那一场迥然不同,却又有相似的一点:当他得以把一团乱麻理出头绪的时候,业已太迟了。 里斯利的房间相当于昨天的野薇与月见草。乘摩托车从沼泽地带猛冲过去,预兆着他在板球场上大显身手。 但是剑桥使他成为英雄,彭杰则让他成了叛徒。 (查看原文)
    皮皮小麻花💕 2赞 2021-07-04 19:22:27
    —— 引自第225页
  • “重新坐下吧。”莫瑞斯听见了轻的响声,突然掉过身去。 我的孩子们在楼上玩呢。” “我还只当是幽灵呢。” “只不过是孩子们。” 恢复了寂静。午后的阳光黄灿灿地穿过窗子倾泻到卷盖式书桌上。这一次,莫瑞斯聚精会神地望着它。开始之前,大夫拿起阿列克那封信,在莫瑞斯眼前将它郑重其事地烧成灰烬。 什么事情也没发生。 (查看原文)
    皮皮小麻花💕 2赞 2021-07-04 19:22:27
    —— 引自第233页
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