
  • 起初他也不能相信自己的好运气——他以为自己准是误解了,他跟柏拉图所说的是两码事。随后,他知道了这位温和的异教徒确实理解他;并没跟《圣经》对立,却从旁边溜过去,向他捧出新的人生指南:“尽量发展自己的禀赋。”不是将它压垮,也不是徒然希望它是别样的东西,而是以不会惹恼神或人的方式来培育它。 (查看原文)
    米粉侠 2012-11-25 22:29:46
    —— 引自第79页
  • "You've read the Symposium?" Maurice had not,and did not add that he had explored Martial. "It's all in there-not meat for babes,of course,but you ought to read it,Read it this vac." No more was said at the time,but he was free of another subject,and one that he had never mentioned to any living soul,He hadn't known it could be mentioned,and when Durham did so in the middle of the sunlit court a breath of liberty touched him. (查看原文)
    煢煢 2回复 2012-12-25 18:48:13
    —— 引自第64页
  • "I knew you read the Symposium in the vac,"he said in a low voice. Maurice felt uneasy. "Then you understand—without me saying more—" "How do you mean?" Durham could not wait.People were all around they,but with eyes that had gone intensely blue he whispered,"I love you." (查看原文)
    煢煢 2回复 2012-12-25 18:48:13
    —— 引自第64页
  • "You might give me a chance instead of avoiding me—I only want to discuss." "We've discussed the whole evening." "I mean the Symposium,like the ancient Greeks." "Oh Hall,don't be so stupid—you ought to know that to be alone with you hurts me.No,please don't reopen.It's over.It's over."He went into the other room and began to undress."Forgive this discoutesy,but I simply can't—my nerves are all nohow after three weeks of this." "So are mine,"cried Maurice. "Poor,poor chap!" "Durham,I'm in Hell." "Oh,you'll get out,It's only the Hell of disgust.You've never done anything to be ashamed of,so you don't know what's really Hell." Maurice gave a cry of pain.It was so unmistakable that Durham,who was about to close the door between them,said,"Very well,I'II discuss if you like.Wh... (查看原文)
    煢煢 2回复 2012-12-25 18:48:13
    —— 引自第64页
  • 'I mean,' said Risley, 'oh how clearly I mean that the cutlet influences your subconscious lives, and I your conscious, and so I am not only more impressive than the cutlet but more important. Your Dean here, who dwells in Medieval Darkness and wishes you to do the same, pretends that only the subconscious, only the part of you that can be touched without your knowledge is important, and daily he drops soporific - ' (查看原文)
    天行者爱grogu 2013-03-01 12:57:35
    —— 引自第25页
  • He believed that he believed and felt genuine pain when anything he was accustomed to met criticism-the pain that masquerades among the middle classes as Faith. It was not Faith, being inactive. It gave him no support, no wider outlook. It didn't exist till the opposition touched it, why it ached like a useless nerve. (查看原文)
    天行者爱grogu 2013-03-01 14:31:07
    —— 引自第37页
  • He realized that he had no sense of Christ's existence or of His goodness, and should be positively sorry if there was such a person. His dislike of Christianity grew and became profound. In ten days he gave up communicating, in three weeks he cut out all the chapels he dared. (查看原文)
    天行者爱grogu 2013-03-01 15:03:26
    —— 引自第41页
  • He did not communicate on Easter Sunday, and supposed the row would come ten, as Durham's case. But no one took any notice, for the suburbs no longer exact Christianity. This disgusted him; it made him look at society with new eyes. Did society, while professing to be so moral and sensitive, really mind anything? (查看原文)
    天行者爱grogu 2013-03-01 15:18:46
    —— 引自第44页
  • They became a cloud of dust, a stench, and a roar to the world, but the air they breathed was pure, and all the noise they heard was the long drawn cheer of the wind. They cared for no one, they were outside humanity, and death, had it come, would only have continued their pursuit of a retreating horizon. (查看原文)
    天行者爱grogu 2013-03-05 19:37:55
    —— 引自第65页
  • 关于迄今未提到的一个词,最后做些札记。自从写下《莫瑞斯》以来,公众对这个问题的态度发生了变化从无 知与恐惧变成了熟悉与轻蔑。爱德华•卡彭特并没有为这 样的变化而付出费力。他曾渴望人们能够宽厚地认可一种 感情 ,并给自原始时代起就存在的这种感情以存在空间。至于我呢 ,尽管没有他那么乐观 ,也料想知识会导致通情达理。卡彭特和我都没认识到 ,公众真正厌恶的并非同性恋 本身 ,而是不喜欢想这件事。倘若能够神不知飞鬼不觉地让 它溜到我们当中来 ,或者一夜之间用小小的铅字排成法令,使之合法化,那么就肯定不会有什么抗议者。不幸的是 ,有关法令必须在议会上获得通过,才能合法化。这样一来 ,各位议员就不得不想一想了,抑或假装思索了。结果,《沃尔芬登报告》将会无限期地被否快。警方会继续对当事人予以起诉。坐在法官席上 的克莱夫会继续宣判坐在被告席 上的阿列克有罪。真瑞斯有可能免受指控。 1960年9月 (查看原文)
    燕贼 2013-05-05 07:24:47
    —— 引自章节:关于同性恋
  • 这就是他最后的一句话,因为大概这时候莫瑞斯就无影无踪了。他留下一小堆月见草的花瓣儿,作为他曾在这儿待过的唯一的痕迹。这堆花瓣儿犹如余烬似的奄奄一息地趴在地上。克莱夫终生不清楚莫瑞斯离去的准确时间。随着进入暮年,对于是否确实发生过此等事,他开始拿不准了。蓝屋发出微光,羊齿丛摇曳着。他的朋友在剑桥校园里朝他招起手来。朋友沐浴在阳光下,散发出五月这个学期的花香与喧哗。 (查看原文)
    冬瓜 1回复 2013-06-25 00:34:37
    —— 引自第276页
  • 德拉姆凑近了他。莫瑞斯伸出一只手,感觉出德拉姆将头靠在他的胳膊上。他忘记自己想说什么来着。声音和花香悄声说:“你是我们当中的一个,我们朝气蓬勃。”他无比温柔地抚摸德拉姆的头发,犹如爱抚德拉姆的头脑一般,将自己的手指插到德拉姆的头发之间。 (查看原文)
    元首特价大酬宾 2013-10-19 22:34:45
    —— 引自第56页
  • 他想起克莱夫和自己仅仅相聚了一天!而且就像一对傻子似的乘着摩托车疾驰——却不曾相互搂抱!莫瑞斯没有理解,正因为如此,他们这一天才尽善尽美。他太年轻了,不曾察觉为接触而接触是何等平庸。虽然他的朋友在抑制着他,他还是几乎倾注全部激情。后来,当他的爱获得第二种力量时,他才领悟命运待他不薄。黑暗中的一次拥抱,在光与风中的漫长的一天,是两根相辅相成的柱子。眼下他所忍受的别离的痛苦,并非为了破坏,而是为了成全。 (查看原文)
    元首特价大酬宾 2013-10-19 22:40:52
    —— 引自第85页
  • “克莱夫,你是个可笑的小傻瓜。你既然提出来了嘛,我也认为你美。你是我迄今见过的唯一长得美的人。我爱你的嗓音,爱与你有关的一切,直到你的衣服,或是你坐在里面的屋子。我崇拜你。” (查看原文)
    元首特价大酬宾 2013-10-19 22:49:02
    —— 引自第96页
  • 他差不多是孑然一身,为什么还要继续活下去呢?确实没有活下去的理由,然而他又有了个阴郁的预感:自己只好活下去。因为就连死神也不属于他。死神犹如爱神,朝他瞥视了一会儿,就转身而去,撇下他,让他“度过光明磊落的一生”。他完全可能像外祖父那样延年益寿,跟外祖父一样可笑地退休。 (查看原文)
    元首特价大酬宾 2013-10-19 23:02:29
    —— 引自第153页
  • “阿列克,你梦见过自己有个朋友吗?仅仅是‘我的朋友’,别的什么都不是,相互帮助。一个朋友。”他重复了一遍,突然充满了柔情。“彼此间的友谊持续终生。我料想这样的事是不可能真正发生的,除非是在睡梦中。” (查看原文)
    元首特价大酬宾 2013-10-19 23:07:07
    —— 引自第219页
  • 在小说中,他浓墨重彩地描述了自己与休•O•梅瑞狄斯之间的友谊,但是梅瑞狄斯被示以手稿之后,似乎对它完全感到厌烦——不仅如此,他好像甚至不觉得自己这样冷漠有什么关系。此次打击使得福斯特考虑放弃这部小说。 (查看原文)
    NoRis 2015-04-29 20:49:45
    —— 引自第2页
  • 他在《结尾的札记》中说那是与他“有泛泛之交的一位学者”,却与梅瑞狄斯不相宜,因为多年来梅瑞狄斯是他的挚友。不过,当他写《结尾的札记》时,梅瑞狄斯尚在世,他可能把事实略微篡改了一下。 (查看原文)
    NoRis 2015-04-29 20:49:45
    —— 引自第2页
  • 休•O•梅瑞狄斯是福斯特在剑桥时的同学,系克莱夫的原型。 (查看原文)
    NoRis 2015-04-29 20:49:45
    —— 引自第2页
  • 倘若莫瑞斯象征着伦敦近郊的郊区居民,克莱夫象征的则是剑桥。我对这所大学,或是它的每一个角落,了如指掌,所以毫不费力地就把克莱夫刻画出来了,或多或少是以与我有泛泛之交的一位学者为原型。这一切都是从那个相识的人身上得到的启发。不过是我本人使克莱夫具有“古希腊文化崇拜者”的气质,还让他跳进了莫瑞斯那敢情深厚的双臂中。 (查看原文)
    NoRis 2015-04-29 20:49:45
    —— 引自第2页