A Corner Of The Universe 短评

  • 0 皮皮 2023-07-02 21:23:38 安徽

    中央 YF MAR 九龍 JF MAR 請向館員索閱 兒童借閱圖書館 屯門 YF MAR

  • 0 bunnie 2014-03-10 15:29:18

    4.02gr| ann didn't take pains to weave in some fun incidents or to create some memorable characters the bond between the uncle and the niece was touching and the chapter with the ferris wheel breathtaking not the usual '60s symbols but still many were pointed out in Afterwords the lack of communication was a reflection of the silent generation

  • 0 肉丝花栗鼠 2017-05-13 23:33:09

    我从没想过书里作者强调的lack of communications of a generation, 我读到最后一直在想着time will heal. I always want to have an uncle like Adam. He laughs, he plays, he will never leave. He will say, "how are you, Hattie Owen? How do you do?" But it turns out that time past and everything has an end.

  • 0 LydiaFlying 2022-11-19 22:50:47 上海

    There is no place for Adam in the world. Even he tried to lift a corner of the universe.

  • 0 阿徒 2019-11-24 12:43:35

    最近在读的小说都是少年读物,里面主角年龄大致12岁左右。一个好的作品就是人物符合她那个年龄段的意识,就我之前所读的,多多少少有成人视角,而这部小说,是成功的。12岁,简单的爱,简单的恨,简单的思考,简单的活着,但模模糊糊,好像所有东西浮现出了影子,有暗有深,这就是少年走向成人的第一步,世界多棱多角,光怪陆离。女主是通过Adam看到的这一角世界,而adam本身又是一个没长大的成人,所以她的成长又容纳了其他孩子所没有的异样,而这种异样在她的反抗与抉择中路走向谅解。成人很忙,看似爱的漫不经心,其实爱的深不见底。 "Did she write him letters?" "Adam keeps thoes too." I see NaNa's quite tears for Adam.

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