Tipping the Velvet的笔记(19)

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    I cannot let you go,I thought,so easily as that! While she was still quite near Itook a step into the sunshine,and looked about me.Upon the grass beside the tent there was a kind ofwreath or bower-part of some display that had come loose and been discarded.There were roses on it:I bent and pluckedone,and called to a boy who was standing idly by,handed the flower to him and gave him a penny,and ...

    2023-06-15 20:43:45


    She said:There is a Persian story I read as a girl,about a princess and a beggar,and a djin.The beggar sets the djinn free from a bottle,and is rewarded with a wish; but the wish-they always do,alas!-comes with conditions. The man may live in ordinary comfort for seventy years;or he may live in pleasure-with a princess for a wife,and servants to bathe him,and robes of gold-he may live in pleasu...

    2023-06-04 20:56:07


    It was a wonderful feeling-but a fearful one,too,for you felt all the time that you didn't deserve your own good fortune;that you had received it quite by error,in someone else'splace-and that it might be taken from you while your gaze was turned elsewhere.And there was nothing you would not do,I thought,nothing you would not sacrifice,to keep your heart's desire once you had been given it.I kn...

    2023-06-01 00:40:18


    I loved her,and could not but long to haveher come;but I loved her,and not a soul must know it-noteven she.It would be a torture,I thought,to have to sit besideher at my father's table with that love within me,mute andrestless as a gnawing worm.I would have to smile whileMother asked,Why didn't Kitty have a beau?And smile againwhen Davy held Rhoda's hand,or Tony pinched my sister'sknee beneath ...

    2023-05-30 20:56:34

  • 游全 (人生就是 一错再错 错过了再重头)

    It was a wonderful feeling-but a fearful one,too,for you felt all the time that you didn't deserve your own good fortune;that you had received it quite by error,in someone else's place-and that it might be taken from you while your gaze was turned elsewhere.And there was nothing you would not do,I thought,nothing you would not sacrifice,to keep your heart's desire once you had been given it.I k...

    2022-05-06 09:19:49

  • 游全 (人生就是 一错再错 错过了再重头)

    You would be marvellous, if I were here or not. You would be marvellous, without my admiration.

    2020-11-20 09:46:45

  • 游全 (人生就是 一错再错 错过了再重头)

    When I see her, I said, it's like-I don't know what it's like. It's like I never saw anything at all before. It's like I am filling up, like a wine-glass when it's filled with wine. I watch the acts before her and they are like nothing -they're like dust. Then she walks on the stage and-she is so pretty; and her suit is so nice; and her voice is so sweet..She makes me want to smile and weep, at...

    2020-11-20 09:23:06

  • 微积猫 (西逐残阳)

    'Tell me what it is you like then, so much.' I hesitated.' I like your costume.' I said at last. 'I like your songs, and the way you sing them. I like the way you talk to Tricky. I like your...hair.' Here I stumbled; and now she seemed to blush. Nancy 好耿直!前一本Fingersmith中Maud和Sue都是:我爱你,我不说不说不说......而这里呢,Nancy先是睡前跟姐姐说漏了嘴,说那姑娘(Kitty)好美歌声好甜,然后把...

    2016-08-14 14:24:46

  • 淇奥 (瞻彼淇奥)


    2013-08-06 18:46:44

  • 淇奥 (瞻彼淇奥)


    2013-07-05 23:07:50

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Tipping the Velvet

>Tipping the Velvet