Emerson Eggerichs 出版社: Thomas Nelson 副标题: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs 出版年: 2004-09-07 页数: 336 定价: USD 22.99 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9781591451877
A Marriage Book with a Difference! A Revolutionary Message "I've been married 35 years and have not heard this taught." "This is the key that I have been missing." "A lightbulb moment." "You connected all the dots for me." "As a counselor, I have never been so excited about any material." "You're on to something huge here." A Simple Message A wife has one driving need -- to...
A Marriage Book with a Difference! A Revolutionary Message "I've been married 35 years and have not heard this taught." "This is the key that I have been missing." "A lightbulb moment." "You connected all the dots for me." "As a counselor, I have never been so excited about any material." "You're on to something huge here." A Simple Message A wife has one driving need -- to feel loved. When that need is met, she is happy. A husband has one driving need -- to feel respected. When that need is met, he is happy. When either of these needs isn't met, things get crazy. "Love and Respect" reveals why spouses react negatively to each other, and how they can deal with such conflict quickly, easily and biblically. A Message That Works Based on over three decades of counseling, as well as scientific and biblical research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and his wife, Sarah, have already taken the "Love and Respect" message across America and are changing the way couples talk to, think about, and treat each other. What do you want for your marriage? Want some peace? Want to feel close? Want to feel valued? Want to experience marriage the way God intended? Then why not try some "Love and Respect."
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Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, an internationally known expert on male-female relationships, presents the Love & Respect conference with his wife, Sarah, both live and by video to more than 50,000 people each year, including groups such as the NFL, PGA, and members of congress. With degrees from Wheaton College and Dubuque Seminary and a PhD from Michigan State, Emerson pastored Trinit...
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, an internationally known expert on male-female relationships, presents the Love & Respect conference with his wife, Sarah, both live and by video to more than 50,000 people each year, including groups such as the NFL, PGA, and members of congress. With degrees from Wheaton College and Dubuque Seminary and a PhD from Michigan State, Emerson pastored Trinity Church in Lansing for 19 years. He and Sarah have been married since 1973 and have three children.
2 有用 三千 2021-09-05 14:39:56
大学的时候女性文学研究的老师推荐的一本书。当时好像还没有中译本,当时是为了解决我父母的问题于是就看了。有很长一段时间我每天边看边把书里的理论讲给我妈妈听。可能当时她也没听进去,现在也忘了。也可能两性关系靠一个人的努力也没什么用吧。 其实书里的理论翻来覆去就这么几句话,当时二十不到的我本身看了感悟也不是很深。今天偶然在另一本书里看到,然后快速重新翻了一下,理解上应该比十几年前深刻了一点吧。其实生活中... 大学的时候女性文学研究的老师推荐的一本书。当时好像还没有中译本,当时是为了解决我父母的问题于是就看了。有很长一段时间我每天边看边把书里的理论讲给我妈妈听。可能当时她也没听进去,现在也忘了。也可能两性关系靠一个人的努力也没什么用吧。 其实书里的理论翻来覆去就这么几句话,当时二十不到的我本身看了感悟也不是很深。今天偶然在另一本书里看到,然后快速重新翻了一下,理解上应该比十几年前深刻了一点吧。其实生活中的很多问题,都可以用爱和尊重来解决。 (展开)
1 有用 巴松 2010-01-20 01:57:34
0 有用 SandyChan 2012-02-27 15:54:46
0 有用 等等等等 2015-07-03 04:30:50
i'd recommend this book to every girl. Will read it repeatedly.
0 有用 Jia Cai 2014-09-07 02:30:57
worth reading for every couple