Introductory book to natural theology and atheology.
Some arguments are quite obfuscating. Not really convinced by the Free Will Defence on the problem of evil. I still subscribe to Mackie's argument that it is logically possible for individuals to act freely but always go right.
2 有用 路德喵 2011-12-11 20:53:21
0 有用 Li 2010-10-05 02:14:42
0 有用 a dime 2024-07-05 20:53:26 天津
老师说是通俗读物,但也非常考验耐心,似乎把作者著作简写在一本书里了。作为一个门外汉,我还是觉得他引用的神学争论本身更有趣。前半部分指出莱布尼茨神正论的缺陷——“最好的世界”不存在,指出无神论的前提错误,transworld depravity与自由意志的关系还挺有意思的,与奥古斯丁,加尔文total depravity概念有关。后半部分清晰地从宇宙论(阿奎纳的错误)、目的论(休谟有力的反驳)和本体论(安瑟尔谟及其反对者,康德认为存在不是实在的谓词)角度举出著名神学论述进行反复验证。
1 有用 人类人类 2015-10-14 00:28:56
1 有用 Maltesers 2016-10-11 04:43:19
Introductory book to natural theology and atheology. Some arguments are quite obfuscating. Not really convinced by the Free Will Defence on the problem of evil. I still subscribe to Mackie's argument that it is logically possible for individuals to act freely but always go right.