In Search of a Better World 短评

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  • 0 Weatherman 2023-09-19 03:51:44 四川

    "I am the last laggard of the Enlightenment, a movement outmoded long since, whose shallowness and, indeed, silliness has been demonstrated ad nauseam. This means that I am a rationalist and that I believe in truth and in human reason."

  • 0 长风 2021-07-11 11:25:45

    这本书收录了Karl Popper的演讲集和文集,可读性很强。里面讨论的问题都非常重要(knowledge, progress, open society)而且讲的很明白,很少用不清不楚的大词。这本书的中文版叫《通过知识获得解放》,是其中一篇演讲的名字,和英文书名不对应所以我找了很久才找到这本书

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