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  • 金鱼

    How wonderfully it is related to that which seems to be its opposite, pain, in that they will not both come to a man at the same time,and yet if he pursues the one and captures it, he is generally obliged to take the other also, as if the two were joined together in one head.

    2011-06-11 11:44:43

  • 汤姆蜀黍 (一只菜鸡)

    "We believe, do we not, that death is the separation of the soul from the body, and that the state of being dead is the state in which the body is separated from the soul and exists alone by itself and the soul is separated from the body and exists alone by itself? Is death anything other than this?" "No, it is this," said he. "Now, my friend, see if you agree with me; for, if you do, I think w...

    2012-02-12 14:53:46

  • 汤姆蜀黍 (一只菜鸡)

    "Then, Simmias," said he, "is this the state of the case? If, as we are always saying, the beautiful exists, and the good, and every essence of that kind, and if we refer all our sensations to these, which we find existed previously and are now ours, and compare our sensations with these, is it not a necessary inference that just as these abstractions exist, so our souls existed before we were ...

    2012-02-12 15:23:29

  • 豆浆


    2011-04-10 22:47:39

  • Zemminevos (CREATION.)

    我问:“什么危险?” “有些人变成了‘厌恶人类的人’,我们也有危险变成‘厌恶论证的人’。一个人要是厌恶论证,那就是糟糕透顶的事了。厌恶论证和厌恶人类出于同样的原因。厌恶人类是出于知人不足而对人死心塌地的信任。你以为这人真诚可靠,后来发现他卑鄙虚伪。然后你又信任了一个人,这人又是卑鄙虚伪的。这种遭遇你可以经历好多次,尤其是你认为最亲近的朋友也都这样,结果你就老在抱怨了,憎恨所有的人了,觉得谁都不是...   (1回应)

    2011-06-14 19:23:39

  • 汤姆蜀黍 (一只菜鸡)

    "Now answer," said he. "What causes the body in which it is to be alive?" "The soul," he replied. "Is this always the case?" "Yes," said he, "of course." "Then if the soul takes possession of anything it always brings life to it?" "Certainly," he said. "Is there anything that is the opposite of life?" "Yes," said he. "What?" "Death." "Now the soul, as we have agreed before, will never admit the...

    2012-02-12 15:52:35

  • 汤姆蜀黍 (一只菜鸡)

    Crito, we owe a cook to Aesculapius. Pay it and do not neglect it. - Socrates's last words.

    2012-02-12 14:45:06

  • 克洛伊索斯 (扯淡学学士,应用算命学硕士)

    <原文开始></Such was the end,Echecrates,of our friend,who was,as we may say,of all those of his time whom we have known ,the best and wisest and most righteous man.原文结束>

    2012-12-22 23:12:44

  • 克洛伊索斯 (扯淡学学士,应用算命学硕士)

    “Well then,my friend,"said he,"to begin with,……,and in all other ways their blessedness is in accord with this." 绝妙的世界图景

    2012-12-22 23:01:59

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