Time Enough for Love 短评

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  • 0 野次馬 2012-02-05 14:12:45

    第一次读海爷,实在是厚。当仁不让的男性guidebook,科幻版的源氏物语。Dora和紫夫人神同步,最开始都是养女,都是最爱,都在我以为她们挂了的时候很诡异地回光返照了。 源氏和Lazarus一样阅人无数,都有不折不扣的(伪)恋母情结,家族里的遗传基因都强大得可怕。总之各种脑补。 Notebook里面的散记很有意思,对government和democracy的吐槽颇有老冯风范。科幻只是外壳,内核还是怀旧之书啊。

  • 0 Screamy赵爷 2013-04-01 09:05:49


  • 0 S4坑 2014-04-01 20:43:33


  • 0 Sundial 2019-04-18 14:06:54

    What I can recall, when I saw Lazarus in the Lourve as well as now after these three consecutive years...in the aftermath of the breakup, this book fatefully preluded our eventuality: though we shared the belief that only love could fight fear with time, while I took the plunge with clumsiness into uncharted time, she chose to go back and forget.

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