(每隔一两年都应该翻番这本书,直到差不多读懂)翻过,内容太多,以后再重读:suicide is the expression of man's sovereignty over his own existence; juridical order has no power to forbid it.Camp is the space that is opened when the state of exception begins to become the rule.The state of exception is the temporary suspension of the rule of law.
作者: Giorgio Agamben 副标题: Sovereign Power and Bare Life isbn: 0804732183 书名: Homo Sacer 页数: 228 译者:Daniel Heller-Roazen 定价: USD 22.95 出版社: Stanford University Press 出版年: 1998-4-1 装帧: Paperback
0 有用 مها 2017-02-21 04:53:19
0 有用 阿纳瑞斯的墙 2020-02-16 05:25:55
1 有用 三木 2018-03-30 14:04:06
(每隔一两年都应该翻番这本书,直到差不多读懂)翻过,内容太多,以后再重读:suicide is the expression of man's sovereignty over his own existence; juridical order has no power to forbid it.Camp is the space that is opened when the state of exception begins to become the rule.The state of exception is the temporary suspension of the rule of law.
0 有用 阿野 2007-11-30 13:54:53
在人權成為普世價值觀的同時,為甚麼不受任何法律保護的bare life會漸成常態?對bare life的暴力甚至才是法律所保護?agamben進入歷史、法學、語言學等領域,嘗試開始接近這個現代社會最森嚴也最嘲諷的現像。