American Gods 短评

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  • 0 西格 2013-05-14 13:53:26


  • 0 BKLY_ 2019-12-18 05:33:30

    开挂男主角一手撑天劝退神仙的故事hhh 好喜欢结尾的加笔。盖曼写公路小说怎么读怎么一股老金的味道 第一章看着感觉是老金开的小号

  • 0 CarbonFrog 2019-01-12 23:58:18

    - It is a balancing act and it is a dream. The more accurate the map, the more it resembles the territory. The most accurate map possible would be the territory, and thus would be perfectly accurate and perfectly useless.

  • 0 whily 2017-08-27 15:12:59

    铺垫了一本书的众神屠杀被主角轻而易举地化解。一无所有的主角了无牵挂地游走于世界。 38@2017

  • 1 屋大维娅 2017-06-06 09:24:12

    Darkly funny and delightfully macabre.// 情节松散到我读着读着有时候会忘记这是一个神仙打架的故事。盖曼老师大概不是没能力组织情节,只是不想。//盖曼老师的长篇果然是离题万里的时候最好看。// 结尾好桑感。//致谢部分好好看~

  • 0 Gabrielle_lu 2021-05-17 12:24:57


  • 1 simonx 2017-12-18 15:17:06

    audiobook,听了2遍,故事大概明白了,没大听懂coming to American中的几个部分,和Gods有何联系?还是要看文本,也有可能补美剧

  • 0 beanie 2016-12-19 14:10:41


  • 1 kin 2018-02-11 01:34:31

    作为一个神话Geek,这本书看得真是太爽了!Gaiman英国人那种讽刺幽默的调调也超级喜欢。可能因为都是外国人,我觉得他抓的美国文化的点我觉得有趣:一个没啥历史,爱好road trip,没事自己给自己造景儿的移民国家…刚看这本书的时候有个疑惑:世界各地的人都带着自己信仰的神明到处走,为什么我们没有?后来大概也明白了,信仰也要因地制宜,与时俱进…破除封建,东方的实用主义哲学万岁… 目前喜欢的作者不但都是英国人David Mitchell, Neil Gaiman,还都爱跟冰岛过不去… 我选书也真的是很会挑了哈哈哈

  • 0 Soledadddd 2019-11-14 01:14:20

    We were on a hill that day. You wrapped me up with your legs and suddenly feel behind your back. I was lying on your belly and we both were observing the world upside down. I told you that I like how "alive" you were around me. You asked me whether it was like Laura told Shadow that she never felt him alive. Like you without you.

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