The Gathering Storm的笔记(8)

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  • 七百之一

    1. One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called. I said at once "The unnecessary War." There never was a war more easy to stop than that which has just wrecked what was left of the world from the previous struggle 2. History will characterise all these transactions as insane. They helped to beed both the martial curse and th...

    2017-12-17 21:26:50   1人喜欢

  • Ellenbuch (Inspired, creating, to share)

    In January, 1934, Suvich, Mussolini’s principal adviser on foreign affairs, visited Vienna as a gesture of warning to Germany. The importance of Austria, due to her position in the heart of Central Europe and in the Danube Basin, far exceeds, as is well known, her territorial and numerical size. If she is to fulfil in the interests of all the mission accorded her by centuries-old tradition and...

    2022-03-01 05:54:11

  • Ellenbuch (Inspired, creating, to share)

    In August, 1932, Hitler came to Berlin on a private summons from the President. The moment for a forward step seemed at hand. Thirteen million German voters stood behind the Fuehrer. A vital share of office must be his for the asking. He was now in somewhat the position of Mussolini on the eve of the march on Rome. But Papen did not care about recent Italian history. He had the support of Hinde...

    2022-03-01 03:38:40

  • Ellenbuch (Inspired, creating, to share)

    Pondering most carefully upon the tides that were flowing in the nation, the Reichswehr convinced themselves with much reluctance that as a military caste and organisation in opposition to the Nazi Movement, they could no longer maintain control of Germany. Both factions had in common the resolve to raise Germany from the abyss and avenge her defeat; but while the Reichswehr represented the ord...

    2021-12-09 01:29:06

  • Ellenbuch (Inspired, creating, to share)

    The main thesis of "Mein Kampf" is simple. Man is a fighting animal; therefore the nation, being a community of fighters, is a fighting unit. any living organism which ceases to fight for its existence is doomed to extinction. A country or race which ceases to fight is equally doomed. The fighting capacity of a race depends on its purity. Hence the need for ridding it of foreign defilements. Th...

    2021-05-04 23:04:51

  • 慕容缺

    殖民地子民可否在皇家海军服役,升职?丘吉尔批示:不可以肤色来判定,要按能力和资质。但最后来了一句: But not too many of them, Please.

    2019-04-02 15:58:11

  • 七百之一

    P409 As I sat in my place, listening to the speeches, a very strong sense of calm came over me, after the intense passions and excitements of the last few days. I felt a serenity of mind and was conscious of a kind of uplifted detachment from human and personal affairs. The glory of Old England, peace-loving and ill-prepared as she was, but instant and fearless at the call of honour, thrilled m...   (1回应)

    2018-03-17 11:10:48

  • 混吃等死 (Don't look back in anger)

    After all that we suffered and achieved we find ourselves still confronted with problems and perils not less but far more formidable than those through which we have so narrowly made our way.

    2018-01-07 14:37:36



The Gathering Storm

>The Gathering Storm