The Magic of Thinking Big的笔记(46)

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  • 宝珠 (作为一个社交智障我觉得很苦恼)

    From Benjamin Fairless's story: 1. Ask yourself, what can I do to make myself more deserving of the next opportunity? 2. Don's waste time and energy being discouraged. Don't berate yourself. Plan to win next time.

    2019-02-21 15:02:31   1人喜欢

  • 宝珠 (作为一个社交智障我觉得很苦恼)

    1. Conversation generosity wins friends 2. Conversation generosity helps you learn more about people

    2019-02-21 14:56:15   1人喜欢

  • 宝珠 (作为一个社交智障我觉得很苦恼)

    Make new friends, join new organization, enlarge your social orbit. Then too, variety in people, like variety in anything else, adds spice to life and gives it a boarder dimension. It’s good mind food.

    2019-02-19 08:39:36   1人喜欢

  • 宝珠 (作为一个社交智障我觉得很苦恼)

    Update your thinking, think like an VIP

    2019-02-18 15:07:32   1人喜欢

  • 南宫楚天

    1. the four most common forms of excusitis 1) health excusitis 2) intelligence excusitis 3) age excusitis 4) luck excusitis

    2022-06-14 09:48:04

  • ㄐㄗ

    Page 9: "There is nothing either good or bad except that thinking makes it so." Page 18: Those who believe they can move' mountains, do, Those who believe'they can't, cannot, Belief triggers the powe'r to do. Page 20: It is well to respect the leader. Learn from him. Observe him. Study him. But don't worship him. Believe you can surpass. Believe you can go beyond. Those who harbor the second-be...

    2021-05-29 09:31:42

  • 宝珠 (作为一个社交智障我觉得很苦恼)

    Being self-critical is constructive. It helps to build the personal strength and efficiency needed for success. Blaming other is destructive, you gain absolutely nothing from “proving” that someone else is wrong. Be constructively self-critical. Don’t run away from inadequacies. Be like a real professionals. They seek out their failures and weakness, then correct them. That’s what makes the...

    2019-02-24 04:55:57

  • 宝珠 (作为一个社交智障我觉得很苦恼)

    Defeat is only a state of mind, and nothing more.

    2019-02-24 04:43:20

  • 宝珠 (作为一个社交智障我觉得很苦恼)

    The success combination: Do what you do better Do more of what you do 1. Eagerly accept the opportunity to do more ,accepting greater responsibilities, stand out and show you are more valuable. 2. Concentrate on how I can do more. Creative thinking such as be better planning and organization of your present work of taking intelligent shortcuts in your routine activities, or possibly dropping no...

    2019-02-17 01:59:52

  • 宝珠 (作为一个社交智障我觉得很苦恼)

    Develop a power of I-can-do-better attitude Each dat before work, devote 10min to think “how can I do better job today?” Ask yourself: What can I do to encourage ppl What special favor can I do for my customers How can I increase my personal efficiency

    2019-02-17 01:46:45

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The Magic of Thinking Big

>The Magic of Thinking Big