King Leopold's Ghost的书评 (2)

Ray 2015-03-14 10:16:56


刚刚读完,谈下我的感受吧。 它不是简单的一本关于刚果被比利时殖民统治历史的书, 也不只是囊括了King Leopold II, Henry Stanley, E.D Morel等人生平的传记 作者恰到好处地以各个人物为出发点和线索,将他们的命运甚至是孜孜不倦的追求与刚果的命运联系在一起。 当你用心...  (展开)
纽约客今注 2018-10-10 13:57:46

Selected Notes

A book of the manipulative power of propaganda craftsmanship, the vileness of commonness and indifference, and the nakedness of personal greed. “Monsters exist,” wrote Primo Levi of his experience at Auschwitz. "But they are too few in number to be truly ...  (展开)

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