The Master and Margarita的笔记(10)

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  • 周树熊 (褪黑素吃多了 说的都不算数。)

    “I'm not doing any mischief, I'm not bothering anyone, I'm just fixing the primus”, said the cat with a hostile scowl, “and I consider it my the duty to warn you that a cat is an ancient and inviolable creature 🥺🥺🥺就是 为什么要招惹猫猫

    2021-03-30 05:17:35

  • 周树熊 (褪黑素吃多了 说的都不算数。)

    “My poor thing, my poor dear.” I said to her. “I won’t let you do that. Things will go badly for me, and I don’t want you to perish with me.” “Is that the only reason?” She asked, drawing her eyes closer to mine. “The only one.” She became terribly animated, pressed herself against me, wrapped her arms around my neck and said, “I will perish with you. And I’ll be back with you in th...

    2021-03-21 13:11:54

  • 廓阿拉

    04/13/2020 M&M Chapter 2-3 pp.29-44 第二章后面出来了一个犹太人的高级祭司。在那个时候本来判了死刑之后因为有逾越节可以四个死刑犯里赦免一个人,本来可以赦免Yashua的但是祭祀故意赦免了另一个人。执政官还要祭司讲了好几遍。这里体现了罗马统治和犹太人族群的政治斗争。那最后执政官要宣布,花了挺大篇幅描述他的心理活动的。到目前犯人还活的好好的。第七章回到莫斯科,陌生人(W)说自己亲身经历体验了这个事件所以...

    2020-04-14 06:29:04

  • 廓阿拉

    The Master and Margarita, chapter 1-2, page 1-28: 刚开始看这本书,古巴几年前的礼物了。目前看起来是双线叙事,第一章讲的是在苏俄的莫斯科,一个文学编辑和一个诗人在聊天的时候来了个陌生人。他们在讲耶稣不存在,然后诗人应该修改他有关耶稣的诗作(毕竟是信奉马克思主义无神论的苏俄嘛)。这个陌生人不请自来就开始聊无神论聊康德什么的然后他们发现这个陌生人对他们生死啊行程啊什么的都了如指掌。这个陌生人对身份目...

    2020-04-13 04:48:17

  • Hesperia (天邊的你飄泊白雲外)

    Levy: Let them (the master and margarita) go with Satan. Woland: Why doesn’t Christ take them? Levy: They have earned peace, but not happiness.

    2018-12-05 17:05:22

  • Hesperia (天邊的你飄泊白雲外)

    “Yes, man is mortal, but that would be only half the trouble. The worst of it is that he's sometimes unexpectedly mortal—there's the trick!"

    2018-11-28 18:46:57

  • lnuq

    Not for nothing did Schiller say that Kant’s reasoning on this question would only satisfy slaves, and Strauss simply laughed at his proof.’ ‘Kant ought to be arrested and given three years in Solovki asylum for that ‘proof’ of his!’ - And what is your particular field of work? - I specialize in black magic. ‘You call me good man? You are making a mistake. The rumour about me in Jerusale...

    2016-02-23 13:36:23

  • 落。 (君へ)


    2011-08-11 12:05:53

  • 落。 (君へ)

    Judea or Judæa (from the Hebrew: יהודה, Standard Yəhuda Tiberian Yəhûḏāh "Tribe of Judah", Greek: Ιουδαία, Ioudaía; Latin: Iudaea) was the name of the mountainous southern part of the historic Land of Israel (Hebrew: ארץ ישראל Eretz Yisrael) from the 8th century BCE (Assyrian rule) to the 2nd century CE, when Roman Judea was renam...

    2011-07-27 11:28:56

  • 落。 (君へ)

    Immanuel Kant (German pronunciation: [ɪˈmaːnu̯eːl ˈkant]; 22 April 1724 – 12 February 1804) was a German philosopher from Königsberg (today Kaliningrad of Russia), researching, lecturing and writing on philosophy and anthropology during and at the end of the 18th Century Enlightenment.[1] Kant's Idea of God Kant stated the practical necessity for a belief in God in his Cri...

    2011-07-26 11:34:50



The Master and Margarita

>The Master and Margarita