Rothbard's most famous monetary essay has appeared in multiple editions and influenced two generations of economists, investors, and businessmen. After presenting the basics of money and banking theory, he traces the decline of the dollar from the 18th century to the present, and provides lucid critiques of central banking, New Deal monetary policy, Nixonian fiat money, and fix...
Rothbard's most famous monetary essay has appeared in multiple editions and influenced two generations of economists, investors, and businessmen. After presenting the basics of money and banking theory, he traces the decline of the dollar from the 18th century to the present, and provides lucid critiques of central banking, New Deal monetary policy, Nixonian fiat money, and fixed exchange rates. He also provides a blueprint for a return to a 100 percent reserve gold standard.
What Has Government Done to Our Money?的创作者
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莫瑞·罗斯巴德是奥地利经济学派的代表人物,生前主要担任内华达大学经济学S. J. Hall讲座杰出教授。他曾任米塞斯研究院(Ludwig von Mises Institute)学术事务副会长,也曾任《奥地利经济学评论》(Review of Austrian Economics)的编辑。罗斯巴德教授在哥伦比亚大学取得学士、硕士和博士学位,师承约瑟夫‧朵夫曼(Joseph Dorfman)。他也长期参与纽约大学举办的米塞斯研讨会达十多年。
莫瑞·罗斯巴德是奥地利经济学派的代表人物,生前主要担任内华达大学经济学S. J. Hall讲座杰出教授。他曾任米塞斯研究院(Ludwig von Mises Institute)学术事务副会长,也曾任《奥地利经济学评论》(Review of Austrian Economics)的编辑。罗斯巴德教授在哥伦比亚大学取得学士、硕士和博士学位,师承约瑟夫‧朵夫曼(Joseph Dorfman)。他也长期参与纽约大学举办的米塞斯研讨会达十多年。
Money is a commodity and is only useful as a medium of exchange; the price of money is determined by supply and law, same as the other goods; but it won't be used up hence the increase of money supply...Money is a commodity and is only useful as a medium of exchange; the price of money is determined by supply and law, same as the other goods; but it won't be used up hence the increase of money supply doesn't confer monetary benefits; fiat money has a tendency to inflate the economy(展开)
1 有用 huang_w 2013-07-20 21:08:23
0 有用 Dz 2012-04-13 06:45:39
货币与通货膨胀的入门小书,学了微观经济学后再看的确要轻松不少,但宏观的部分就不是很理解了。书里对fractional reserve banking概念的引入与分析很棒。按书中的分析来看,利用“杠杆”的运作方式,银行业天生就是个高利润的行业。在瑞士这个盛产银行家的国度,这种感觉尤为强烈。
0 有用 莱布尼糍 2020-01-09 22:55:23
Money is a commodity and is only useful as a medium of exchange; the price of money is determined by supply and law, same as the other goods; but it won't be used up hence the increase of money supply... Money is a commodity and is only useful as a medium of exchange; the price of money is determined by supply and law, same as the other goods; but it won't be used up hence the increase of money supply doesn't confer monetary benefits; fiat money has a tendency to inflate the economy (展开)
0 有用 Spring Rain 2017-10-29 14:42:35
0 有用 村厕所副所长 2018-07-18 22:50:49